Outlander “Survivor edition” this week as Claire gets lost and found in the jungle
Outlander left us in limbo as Claire (Caitriona Balfe) jumped off a ship last week and washed her up on a strange shore. But despite being attacked by ants and snakes she makes fire and manages to collapse near some crazy but moderately helpful strangers. They include Father Fogden (Nick Fletcher), who talks to coconuts like they’re real people, and Mamacita (Vivi Lepori). And she’s not a nice lady. They save her and then fight over whether she should go or stay.
RELATED | Outlander Review 3×11 “Uncharted”
But Jamie’s (Sam Heughan) run into a squall and ended up on the same island! So when Willoughby (Gary Young) cooks one of the Father’s goats and Mamacita freaks the mention of a Chinese sailor sends Claire running for the beach. She almost misses them but thanks to some coincidental props they have their romantic reunion on the sand. Fergus (Cesar Domboy) and Marsali (Lauren Lyle) marry in one of the oddest weddings ever and Claire gets drunk off some turtle soup and has her way with Jamie. And then they’re onward to Jamaica!
Let’s see what the roundtable had to say!
Teddie (@teepe54) – Teddie’s paying job is working as a Registered Nurse in the field of Brain Injury rehabilitation; but she also majors in Outlander, with a minor in Turkish TV drama. She is a co-admin at Poldark{Out}landers and a staff writer for Outlandercast.com
Ginger (@bookishginge) – Voice artist, linguist. Animal lover, wannabe guitarist. Savasana expert. Producer, co-host of The All Souls Podcast and The Outlander Podcast.
Carole (@cbraunnj) – Costumer, teacher, admin for Outlander Forever. She makes use of her excessive tv watching by being an obsessive knitter.
Lisa B. (@chtease) – Lisa is a veterinarian working in shelter medicine. Her hobbies are spaying kittens and trying to get all things Outlander to trend on Twitter and win every award ever invented. In her spare time, she is in her 4th year at Atlantic Gaelic Academy. Too bad Gaelic is rarely spoken in the series anymore. She is planning a trip to Scotland next August to see The Last Dance, Runrig’s final concert. With Clare Hoover, she runs Outlander Ambassadors, which includes a Twitter account with more than 20K followers, a Facebook page and linked group (Caisteal Dhuni) and a blog.
Heather (@taterbug160) – Heather like riding horses, reading, long walks on the beach, and watching way too much TV.
1) Claire has washed up on shore and boy is she in trouble! Ants and snakes and sun, oh my! What did you think of Claire’s “Survivor” audition?
Teddie (@teepe54) – Claire was my compass. She led me from the Twilight Zone of “The Doldrums” and brought me straight to Voyager; no sextant required. Cait was so good that I was thirsty and itchy AF and I actually murmured a small prayer of thanks for air conditioning, insect repellent, SPF 40, and animal control. Cait really does looks good in a burlap bag, understands that one’s butt is likely large enough without a bumroll, and rocks a sweaty headdress like she’s back on the cat walk.
Ginger (@bookishginge) – I thought her audition was great. Very effective and quite believable. I thought that the ants were freakish and extremely effective, and then when we got the snake, I thought, wait–what? Another shocker? This, of course, set me up for expecting a third “freak out.” Which did not come. I think with her wandering and the ants and her time with Father Fogden (FF) and Mamacita, the ants would have been enough. We got the point: she was in the wilderness. It was creepy. Wait–Let us show you again how creepy it was.
Carole (@cbraunnj) – Claire washes up on shore and still looks good! I think Claire’s skills come from her time with Uncle Lamb and her first time around of being in the 18th century. It was a good way to show that she can still adapt to what life is throwing at her. I do think her Welcome to the Jungle went on a bit too long.
Lisa B. (@chtease) – Snakes! Why does it always have to be snakes? I hate snakes! – Wait. That was Indiana Jones. Claire was perfectly cool about having a ginormous python (?) crawl over her but was understandably not so happy with the fire ants. According to Caitriona, Scar the snake was a better co-star than Sam. I’m not sure anyone can imagine that. I’m just wondering why Claire’s knowledge of herbs didn’t include how to whip up some sunscreen. Girlfriend’s been pasty-pale and smart as heck all her life. You’d think she and Uncle Lamb would have come up with something in their travels.
Heather (@taterbug160) – Oh Lordy. It was about 10 minutes too long, and sooooo tedious. It still included a voice over but I think they could have used it to wrap things up a lot more quickly instead of using it to make the beginning even longer. Unfortunately it made the pacing of this episode super weird with this very slow start, and it was just too much castaway and not enough story for me.
2) Father Fogden is simultaneously creepy, amusing and sweet. What were your thoughts on his many “quirks”?
Teddie (@teepe54) – Father Fogden, you tender, god-fearing, eloquent, and deranged pot head you! Nick Fletcher, I worshiped your screen time, and marveled at the perfect portrayal you brought to this highly anticipated character. I note that Diana Gabaldon brought Coco into existence in 1993 — a whole seven years before we met that poseur volleyball, Wilson.
Ginger (@bookishginge) – As a book reader, I know FF to have been much more “quirky.” However, the adaptation FF was quite faithful. Someone made a good point in our live after-show this past Sunday night, that the loss of Lawrence Stern, the German naturalist/scientist from the book, meant that there was no rational person to counter FF and Mamacita. Thus, FF could not be as crazy town as he was in the books. That said, it was very satisfactory. We got Coco, Mamacita was fleshed out and we had sympathy for her re: the loss of her only daughter, and FF drank and smoked. He wasn’t high and didn’t get drunk, but he at least had the habits of book FF. And the wedding… genius. It kept the core of the book ceremony and the highs of FF and Marsali. Loved it.
Carole (@cbraunnj) – Father Fogden is an 18th century Deadhead! I didn’t think he was creepy as much as a product of his isolation and living with the life of the party, Mamacita. I just want to know how many people yelled when he started talking to the coconut Wilson!
Lisa B. (@chtease) – I didn’t catch the creepy part but that might have been because I’m used to stoners. (I’m a Washingtonian, after all.) If you had a choice between talking to Mamacita or Coco, you’d choose Coco too. (Or Arabella’s skull. Just saying.) OK, the beetles from Abandawe were creepy. I’ll give you that one. BTW, did anyone say Abandawe right in their head while reading the book? Didn’t think so. I’m so glad Fogden asked about Fergus’ cock in the episode. That’s almost as memorable as the turtle soup.
Heather (@taterbug160) – Father Fogden is a complicated dude. He obviously had a bit of a mental breakdown when he lost his love, and his trusted sidekick Mamacita now has to live with the dude and feed him. At first his quirks are pretty endearing. He’s nice enough, he talks to a coconut, and seems pretty harmless. He also likes to get high as a kite, and gets a little creepy and almost scary with the realization that Claire wants to leave and he wants her to stay. Ultimately he turns out to be reasonable enough, but yeah… he’s complicated.
3) Mamacita really didn’t like Claire and the force of her personality was great. It was also strange that she didn’t say anything about seeing the zipper! Talk to us about her, and her relationship with Father Fogden.
Teddie (@teepe54) – Zipper, schmipper! Mamacita is the Holy Mother of the disdainful; she spits at you with her eyeball. Add her to the growing list of people calling poor Claire a whore (the go-to phrase of the 18th century, whether in English or Spanish). Mourning your long lost daughter while living with a delusional defrocked priest would make me a little loca about the goats, too.
Ginger (@bookishginge) – I noticed that, too. That was a bit of a misdirect? Typically, a production doesn’t do those types of long-views without a purpose. My first guess is that perhaps this was edited out, along with any other dialogue/action that was related to it. But yes, definitely it didn’t make sense, unless it was to confuse Mamacita and further support her assumption that Claire-Did-Not-Belong. Her relationship with FF is a different matter. As rude and gruff as she is to/with him, she clings to him. And I believe him to her. And to Ermenegilde’s clothing, of course. But with the loss of her only child, and having left civilization behind, she is reliant upon FF and their wee farm to survive. And FF, in his own way, is reliant upon Mamacita, for housekeeping, etc. And the thing that keeps them together is the memory of their shared beloved: Ermenegilde.
Carole (@cbraunnj) – Mamacita is the new Nurse Ratched! She definitely is a force of nature. Mamacita gave Claire strong side eye when she saw the zipper. When she saw it she thought Claire was a loose woman and wanted her gone. Mamacita probably thinks she’s the protector of Father Fogden and no one was going to come between that.
Lisa B. (@chtease) – I can’t imagine that this is the last we’ll hear of Mamacita and the zipper. Given that Lawrence Stern isn’t a part of the show, I’m thinking that Mamacita will show up again and complications will ensue. The only other zipper scenario I can imagine is that there was a scene which was cut. As far as her relationship with Father Fogden goes, it’s at best symbiotic. They need each other to survive, as much as that might infuriate Mamacita.
Heather (@taterbug160) – Ah, Mamacita… So we know she’s the mother of the woman that Father Fogden loved and she obviously stayed on to help him and cook for him, and likely to manage his mood swings. She’s capable and strong and she doesn’t SAY anything about Claire’s stays and the zipper but she does want her gone as soon as possible. Perhaps instead of outing her, she thinks it’ll be easier to just get rid of her. Or does she?
4) Damn Claire is a lousy actor. She was getting her coconut chat on with Coco/Wilson your friendly imaginary fruit friend. Your feelings?
Teddie (@teepe54) – I’m a nurse, so I relate. Whether you’re caring for a psychiatric or a geriatric, forget reality orientation: it’s often highly overrated. So when your 90 year old failing patient calls out for his mother, you tell them what I like to call a therapeutic lie. Claire knew that when she told one of those to Elias Pound in The Doldrums: “Mother is here, and you’ll see her soon”. Nurse/Dr Claire did just fine with Fogden, and Coco, too.
Ginger (@bookishginge) – Ha! I’m glad they kept Coco. I thought it was great. Not as hysterical as the beach wedding nor the outbursts of Mamacita toward Claire (“cow,” “whore,” “Jezebel”), but so glad they kept it in. THAT, I believe, is the only crazy town remnant of FF that we have. And it’s great.
Carole (@cbraunnj) – I first thought about singing “We have a lovely bunch of coconuts.” But if Claire needed to leave the Funny Farm, the only way was if you can’t beat them, join them.
Lisa B. (@chtease) – I have no idea what you mean. You didn’t hear Coco/Wilson talking to Claire too? We must have been watching a different show.
Claire is supposed to be a lousy actor and the post-show interview indicated that this was an attempt at comedy. Um – OK? Comedy was when Claire slipped Angus a sedative at the Gathering in his port. “It’s strong.” “’Tis.” Caitriona totally went all Cersei Lannister in that scene. It was hilarious.
Heather (@taterbug160) – The Cast Aware references were kind of killing me here. Was this chat really necessary? I think this could have been left on the cutting room floor.
5) Even Outlander recognizes its many coincidences it seems! Jamie ending up on that island, Willoughby killing Fogden’s goats, Claire stealing the mirror and being able to signal Jamie just in time! Did these coincidences interfere with your enjoyment of the episode?
Teddie (@teepe54) – Second only to Jamie and Claire’s eternal love, did you not notice that coincidences are the lifeblood of these stories? Listen, if the female lead can time travel, what are a few coincidences, anyway? This is why us book readers love to read and re-read again, to pick up on the previously unnoticed, and savor the details of how things come to be. There are few characters that are unimportant, so pay attention!
Ginger (@bookishginge) – Again, HA! Not at all. I’ve read the book, and Voyager (especially the latter half) is One Long String of coincidence. As a matter of fact, in one episode of our Voyager read-along, while discussing one of these coincidences involving Lord John Grey, my co-host mispronounced his name as “gron jay” (a Spoonerism) rather than “John Grey.” Thus, #gronjay was born. Definition: A Gabaldonian coincidence of such unbelievable magnitude that it makes one’s eyes roll and belly chuckle. So, all of these were expected. The mirror, the only new part, was in line with all of the #gronjays of the book. So, to answer the question: Nope!
Carole (@cbraunnj) – The coincidences didn’t bother me, it was needed to keep the episode moving. But Lesley and Hayes said it best, MacDubh’s wife turns up in the most unlikely of places
Lisa B. (@chtease) – Actually, these coincidences were less annoying than the ones in the book. Captain Alessandro? Nope. Not buying. Uh-uh. We needed the coincidences to get to (literally) hot sex with a drunk burning she-devil, so it’s all good.
Heather (@taterbug160) – Absolutely not, I was finally just happy something was happening!!! Honestly, I think we’re all over Claire and Jamie being apart, we’ll take a few ridiculous coincidences if it means we get to see them back to together. And you know, there is still young Ian to find. Let’s get going.
6) Finally Jamie and Claire are together again and the romance is back! And really, what’s a little time and space when we’re just looking for a romantic running reunion? Right?
Teddie (@teepe54) – I’ll call it an epic sci-fi, historical generational relationship saga vs romance, thank you very much. But yes; the running beach embrace first made me giggle, and then sigh, because a lack of J&C sex is a tributary droughtlette in the Droughtlander relief map.
Ginger (@bookishginge) – Yep. Glad they are back together. The adaptation (which shrank a bunch of stuff to get them from shipwrecked Artemis to turtle-soup cabin) hit the most important points and did so with believability.
Carole (@cbraunnj) – They’re back together! Again! At least the running happened across the beach and not in a meadow, in slow motion.
Lisa B. (@chtease) – Right. I swooned. I might have even fainted a little bit at the perfection of the romantic running reunion (at least the first 6 or 8 times I saw it.)
Heather (@taterbug160) – RIGHT. Did it feel right out of a romance novel? A little bit. Was I there for it? Abso-freaking-lutely. Maybe it’s just because I’ve been watching a LOT of Hallmark holiday movies lately but I’m all for the romance cheese. Give me all the open shirt beach running scenes you want. I liked it better than the fainting.
7) Fergus and Marsali’s wedding was a big moment! First for Claire and Marsali, then for Marsali and Fergus and finally for Fergus and Jamie. What did you think of this scene?
Teddie (@teepe54) – Feisty Marsali, patient and non-judgemental Claire, and the lovingly paternal Jamie made these scenes work beautifully for me. This episode was quintessential Voyager from start to finish. The beauty of it is that it ticked off all of the boxes from this part of the story, without adding unneeded story fabrication (think: Jonah) to the goody box that is Voyager. The added joy of a culturally intact and credible Yi Tien Cho sparkled brightly.
Ginger (@bookishginge) – I understand that they had to change its content and place. The heart of it was there, however, and the only thing I missed (but am still hopeful we might get!) is “Mother Claire.” Marsali and Fergus are genuine. Casting was great, and while I’ve always liked Lauren Lyle the past two episodes she’s grown on me. Love them together. Fergus and Jamie–this was a moment that book lovers have waited for. The naming of Fergus. The outward, formal completion of the inward, emotional act and relationship that began on the streets of Paris, 20 years before.
Carole (@cbraunnj) – Marsali looks like her mother but she’s definitely not the nasty piece that her mom is. Once Marsali gets to be around Claire and see what’s between her and Jamie, she knows she can talk about things, especially birth control. Father Fogden was the entertainment of the wedding! Marsali wasn’t going to let the good Father take any longer with the ceremony than needed. Fergus and Marsali love each other and it shows. Fergus and Jamie was the part that I got a bit teary. Jamie formally giving Fergus his name was perfect and now Fergus has more than the protection of Jamie, he has the Fraser name as well.
Lisa B. (@chtease) – How sweet of Marsali to admit that Claire just might not be the devil. The whole sequence was absolute perfection from Marsali softening but not too much or obviously toward Claire, to the wedding, to Fergus’ reaction to Jamie giving him his name. I’m not crying. You’re crying.
Heather (@taterbug160) – Tears! I think this scene plus turtle soup are moments everyone was wanting to see on screen. It was lovely to see the walls coming down for Claire and Marsali, knowing they will have a much better relationship in the future. I love Marsali and Fergus together, it’s great to a softer romantic side of Fergus and Marsali brings out some great parts of him. The moment where Jamie gives Fergus his name was a tear jerker for me in the books and a tear jerker on film as well. I loved it.
8) It’s what everyone who’s read Voyager was waiting for: Turtle soup! We’re cutting to the chase. What were your thoughts?
Teddie (@teepe54) – I love me a drunken amorous Claire, who just received some penicillin, canoodling with Jamie over the titular soup. I’m also getting to know Sam’s pecs and ass like the back of my hand.
Ginger (@bookishginge) – I am glad they changed the title of this episode from “Turtle Soup” to “Uncharted.” Any book fan who saw an episode titled “Turtle Soup” would have rightly expected it to highlight the scene from the book. Did they include it? Yes. Was it a faithful adaptation? Somewhat. But changes are to be expected. And THAT is why I’m glad they changed the title. To have kept the original title would have reflected an imbalance of focus and content in the end: Meaning the title would have made one think that the most important thing in the episode was the scene, AND that perhaps it was crazy faithful to the book. Both of which would have been incorrect. In the end, what we got was a wonderful melange of adaptation. The core parts of the scene were there. Claire was injured, only by a branch and not the filthy cutlass of a Portuguese pirate; Willoughby had stitched her up, though this had happened earlier on the beach rather than in the room; she was eating/drinking highly alcoholic turtle soup, made by Willoughby rather than Murphy, whom they excluded from the beginning by not nurturing his relationship with Jamie by making him different things to eat to help him keep down food while seasick on the Artemis and whom they killed off in the challenges of the ship along with Raines when it was damaged (it is a wonder, though, that we keep discovering new talents of Willoughby with each episode; I wonder if he’ll next be an architect or financier). The smexy time was adapted, rather than having Claire go down town and having Lawrence Stern be knocking at the door they were together –normally–, though she was still in her drink, and it was Willoughby who was knocking at the door. Not half as funny as in the book, but effective enough and definitely chuckle worthy.
Carole (@cbraunnj) – I say let’s have more than one helping of Turtle Soup! They were playful, unabashedly hot for each other, made it a great finale to the episode.
Lisa B. (@chtease) – I’m glad that was the cliff-hanger. I’m looking forward to more drunk burning she-devil and JAMMF sex next week. Claire wandered in the jungle for 20 minutes this episode, so they’ve got plenty of time to spend on turtley-soupy sex in 312, right?
Heather (@taterbug160) – Drunk Claire is one of my favorite Claire’s. It’s honestly just refreshing to see these guys continuing where they left off. Having fun, sex, enjoying each other, laughing, teasing. She may want to use her penicillin and little more sparingly though.
Final Verdict: Outlander gives us a heaping helping of turtle soup and we’re not complaining! (We could do without the snake, though.)
Well the romance is back on Outlander and we’re so thankful. Despite at least ten strange coincidences that didn’t dampen our roundtable’s enthusiasm for the episode. Especially since it featured some book reader’s favorite scenes from Voyager.
Sure there was some playing fast and loose with the book (farewell Lawrence Stern we never new ya) but our roundtable seemed pleased enough with what was left to say that the adaptation was well done. Especially since this episode honestly gave us so many laughs.
Fergus and Marsali. Last week the roundtable was torn. This week, no way no how! Everyone loved the humor Father Fogden brought to the scene. And the feistiness Marsali brought as well! And Jamie and Fergus really gave the episode heart by giving his son his name. Tears were shed!
One of the most intriguing things about the episode was the little thread left hanging by Mamacita seeing the zipper. So they question is, will Lisa’s prediction be right? Perhaps we haven’t seen the last of Mamacita. Or perhaps the scene that followed through with that tidbit was edited out.
This episode was slow. With some character departures that had mixed results! But now that Claire has jumped off the ship surely there will be more action next week. And we’ll be there, dissecting all the details!
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