After she stopped looking so hard into the future, Zoey found some clarity
Immediately following last week’s episode of Grown-ish, Cash (Da’Vinchi) decided that he doesn’t want to be without Zoey (Yara Shahidi) and wants to talk. After telling him she’ll text him, Zoey struggles with which guy she’s going to talk to first. Each guy talks to their friend of choice about Zoey and then all the girls decide to help her make a decision. With each girl pitching their choice for of man for Zoey to end up with, Zoey ends up coming out with more to think about that before she talked to her girlfriends. While the girls are skipping class to help Zoey through her boy problems, Cash ends up in professor Telphy’s (Deon Cole) night class with Aaron (Trevor Jackson) and Luca (Luka Sabbat), which causes the three to kind of discuss the Zoey situation.
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After leaving the girls to figure out what she wants to do for herself, Zoey realizes that the talk with her friends may have done some good. Once she’s gone to both Cash and Aaron, Zoey ends up at Luca’s door. She’s decided to choose the relationship that may lead her to something deeper. Zoey finally made her decision on a guy and it was one of the hardest decisions she’s had to make in college. Let’s see how the fans felt about the conclusion to this season of Grown-ish!
Here to talk about Zoey’s final decision is our Grown-ish roundtable!
Jeria (@jereyea) – Student, Stan, and Tweeter
Chanel (@channellybelle) – counselor by day, Netflix binging dog lover by night
Bre (@MichaelBaby18) – Realist with a dash of optimism and lover of my bed and music
Chi (@polyhansen) – college student, free writer, pop media enthusiast, practice in promotion and sales
Miya (@MsMiya_) – Writer, Film Enthusiast, Singer
1. Did you like the Grown-ish season one finale?
Jeria (@jereyea): I thought it was a good episode, but it seemed a bit rushed.
Chanel (@channellybelle): I really liked the Grown-ish finale. I felt like the whole season was heading towards this choice from the very first time Zoey was torn between Aaron and Luca. I was surprised that they tried to bring Cash back into the picture but it’s understandable since that was her first love.
Bre (@MichaelBaby18): Yes! It was a very relatable show and was one of my favorites!
Chi (@polyhansen): I loved the finale. The way it ended left me wanting more. It definitely didn’t feel like they were finished.
Miya (@MsMiya_): I actually did. I wish it was an hour long though. I felt like there was still so much to unpack. Hopefully, we’ll get an hour-long finale next season!
2. Zoey’s girlfriends weighed in on who they thought she should choose. Do you think it was a good idea to listen to their opinions?
Jeria: It’s nice to hear your girlfriends’ points of view but at the end of the day, don’t let them make a decision for you.
Chanel: I think it was a good idea because they were able to give her information that she wouldn’t have had on her own but at the same time, they were all swayed towards a specific direction which made them biased. I thought the idea of making the decision based off of this F, Marry, Kill game was kind of funny.
Bre: It’s okay to listen. But at the end of the day, Zoey had to choose for herself and not who her friends wanted her to choose.
Chi: I think it is always helpful to get outside opinions. They are looking from a different perspective than Zoey, which adds a whole new dynamic to how she perceives the boys. How your friends view the person you like holds weight, believe it or not.
Miya: No, I do not. I personally believe when making a decision like that, one needs to do it on their own and listen to their heart. You can’t let other people’s opinions dictate your future.
3. Zoey has been through a lot with all three guys. Do you think she handled everything with them the best way she could?
Jeria: I think it was very mature of her to talk to the guys she didn’t choose, but she didn’t pick the right guy.
Chanel: I think Zoey handled this decision to the best of her ability. It’s tough to choose when you are emotionally invested in different people. Each guy brought something different to the table and improved Zoey’s life in their own way. I think she made the best decision for herself because she and Luca do appear to have a deeper connection and common interests.
Bre: Juggling 3 guys is tough, lol. She handled it in her own way and took care of it.
Chi: I think she did. She made the best choice based off of what she is feeling now. It’s not about the future because that can’t be controlled, so being in the “now” is where it’s at.
Miya: I believe she did. No one seemed upset or mad at her, at least that’s what we saw.
4. Have you ever had to decide which person you were going to be with? Did you make the decision or did you choose yourself?
Jeria: I’ve never had to choose because I always know exactly what I want.
Chanel: I haven’t been in a situation where I was torn between 3 guys, but I have been torn between my ex-boyfriend and a new potential partner. I made the wrong decision of choosing my ex and I felt like I regretted that decision for a while. As I got older, I learned to choose myself over an unhealthy relationship.
Bre: Yes, I have been in that situation before. I thought I chose the right guy but it turned out that I was only seeing what was on the surface. I wasn’t looking deep down and realized I royally messed up.
Chi: I have never been in that situation before. I’m a little jealous that I haven’t though. It actually might be a good thing because I am not good at having options and deciding on one. My indecisiveness has yet to be touched by anyone!
Miya: I actually have not but if I had to, I would probably end up choosing myself because in the end, the only person who will ever be able to love me unconditionally, is me.
5. Were you surprised by the choice that Zoey made?
Jeria: I was shocked that she chose Luca because she never knew what he was thinking–he’s so nonchalant about everything.
Chanel: I was surprised. I wanted her to choose Luca but I thought she would choose Aaron. Ana had a good point when she said she had been crushing on Aaron for a long time and he had also been on Black-ish, so he seemed like the more established character to choose.
Bre: No! I love Luca! He was my choice from the very beginning! He was the only one that never tried to change her and I loved that. He’s just so honest and he cared about her the whole time! #Zuca for life!
Chi: No. Unfortunately, I wanted to be, but due to my lagging in watching the episode, the secret was blown. Thank you, Twitter.
Miya: I was surprised and then I wasn’t. Honestly, I still haven’t gathered my full thoughts on her choice.
6. Do you think Zoey made the right choice?
Jeria: I wanted Zoey to pick Aaron, so no I don’t think she made the right decision.
Chanel: I think she made the right choice. Luca and Zoey have a lot in common which has established a deeper bond. He also pushes her outside of her comfort zone to become the best at her craft that she can be.
Bre: I definitely think she made the right choice!
Chi: Even though I didn’t get to be surprised, I think she made the right choice for her. However, I will add that I thought her and Aaron’s history would’ve been more of a factor in her decision.
Miya: No, I don’t think so. I was actually rooting for Aaron, I mean he was willing to sell microwaves to get her Hamilton tickets. That’s real love right there!
7. It’s been a great first season for Grown-ish! What was your favorite episode?
Jeria: My favorite episode was “Late Registration”. It was nice getting to know everyone.
Chanel: I think my favorite episode is still “It’s Hard out Here for a Pimp”. I just felt like that episode talked about a serious conversation that I’ve had with my girlfriends and guy friends. It’s a common conversation amongst black women and I love the idea of these topics being brought to life on TV. It also was the first episode I got to participate in this roundtable.
Bre: My favorite episode was “It’s Hard Out Here For A Pimp”. Jazz and Sky made some valid points on how black women are perceived when dating.
Chi: They are all so good! I think the episode after the Zoey and Cash breakup was the best. It showed the group of friends bond and also portrayed how love is. You fall in and out of it sometimes and that’s just how it goes!
Miya: Surprisingly, I loved all episodes of Grown-ish. It’s truly a special show and I can’t wait for season 2.
Zoey still has a long journey ahead, but right now she’s choosing to pursue something different
“Back & Forth” made us reflect on all the ups and downs Zoey has been through with the men in her life. She’s made some bad and good decisions but each one was a step leading up to this moment. It was great to see her girls be there for her once again. The friendships between the girls are well-written and it’s always nice to hear everybody’s opinion on a subject. Maybe next season, we’ll be able to see the boys openly express their feelings too.
Most of us were shocked with the choice that Zoey made. Although we understand Zoey’s reasoning for picking Luca, we all thought she would choose Aaron in the end. The writers persistently showed how Aaron and Zoey felt about each other, even when they weren’t with each other. They also provided us with more information on their relationship than the one she had with Luca. Now that Zoey’s chosen Luca, we hope that we’ll get to see the two express their feelings for each other, both openly and in separate settings. We can’t wait to see how choosing “deeper and different” affects her.
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It has been a wild first season of Grown-ish. From boy problems to political debates, we’ve seen these characters go through a lot! But not to worry, Grown-ish will be back for another season and we’re so excited to see what they come up with next. We’re hoping they’ll continue to dig into some more of these tough issues that not many us get to see from a college student’s perspective. We can’t wait for season two of Grown-ish!