Carmilla and Mattie were exquisite—magical, mischievous and quite the dark, sexy, alluring duo.
Despite the predictable plot, Annie Briggs will surely be playing the Dean next season, right? (Oh. My. God!!)
Whilst I thought Laura's personality got stuck in reverse this season, Elise Bauman--especially in Negovanlis' reduced role--was more than exceptional. I really hope I see more of these two in the future. Their performances remain utterly unchallenged.
The social media engagement of 'Carmilla' is rather unrivalled. The character accounts are excellent.
Laura Hollis. I wanted to root for Laura (especially when it's the always charming Bauman) but she wasn't naive; she was childish.
I still can't believe I'll say this but there wasn't enough Carmilla on 'Carmilla'.
The conflict this season felt a bit off. I'm not sure I still get what the big bad was. The Dean in Perry, yes. Vordernberg, yes. But they kind of just snapped a scroll in half and the dude died...
Season two of ‘Carmilla’ is jam-packed—and it’s both a good and bad thing.
We’re very quickly introduced to a new set of characters—a large group, considering the size of the production. Aaron Chartrand returns as the mild-mannered JP. Ian D. Clark is the blatantly villainous Baron Vordernberg, Constantly arguing are rivals Mel (Nicole Stamp) and Theo (Shannon Kook), members of the Summer and Zeta societies. Lastly there’s Sophia Walker as Mattie. Smug, smouldering, powerful and charismatically dangerous, she’s the new Chair of the Silas Board. She’s swaggeringly unapologetic, and it’s delightful.
We pick up with the gang holed up in a fancy mansion Carmilla (Natasha Negovanlis) ‘finds’. Things happen quickly. Perry (Annie Briggs) is possessed by the Dean. Vordernberg hits the jackpot when Laura’s (Elise Bauman) genuinely so naive as to help him get rid of Mattie—and realises a little too late he kind of hates all vampires and wants them all dead. Laura and Carmilla’s romance is short-lived. Everything is very ‘blink and you’ll miss it’.
But it’s the social media engagement that was most impressive. Just weeks before the episodes were due to drop, the characters’ accounts were active as if to tell a story. It’d lead to why they were at the mansion. It’s a clever way to whet everyone’s appetites whilst remaining relevant. Carmilla’s is particularly fun to read. Rather brilliantly, she only follows one person: Laura.
Season two didn’t feel quite like season one’s ‘Carmilla’…and frankly, season one felt more like how the show should be. Here’s why.
Where was Carmilla?
By far, the most compelling character of this webseries is Natasha Negovanlis’ entrancing Carmilla. Elise Bauman’s Laura gives Natasha Negovanlis a good run for her money, but Negovanlis just has—we apologise for this phrase—’The X Factor‘. Negovanlis is one of the few who actually acts in the background, when not in main view of the camera (except perhaps Briggs, Bauman and Walker) instead of standing still. And her background acting is noticeable because Carmilla spends a lot of season two in the background.
Admittedly, it became more and more frustrating. Initially, we had a welcome display of Negovanlis’ insatiable chemistry with Bauman—and the duo excelled whenever paired. Another significant scene partner was Sophia Walker, whose Mattie brought out the devilish best in Carmilla. The episode in which they gleefully went on their blood/killing spree was fantastic and the pair make fantastic sisters.
Focus on the secondary characters is necessary to build their stories, yes. But why didn’t we get anything in season one? It remained very successful. You cannot just build at the expense of the main characters; the main draw for most viewers. Undeniably, the characters (and their actors) must be popular. Annie Briggs for one must stay. But why was there such heavy focus on external, forced plots that never really came to satisfying fruition whilst ignoring the selling point of ‘Carmilla’?
Laura’s stubbornness and devotion to helping others is what makes her Laura Hollis–but that was last season. This season, she was childish and it alienated two people. Carmilla, and us.
Laura is quite the altruist…selectively. But it’s what makes her human and ultimately endearing to us. Laura Hollis has always seen it as her moral duty somewhat to look out for the dangers Silas university students face.
It frustrates Carmilla, who just wants Laura. Time and time again, Laura recognises this but does not rectify her actions because she believes she is right. By the time their fallout comes, it’s inevitable. Though it could’ve been avoided, their break-up is gorgeously done by Bauman and Negovanlis. It’s tenderly sad; as is their conversation when Carmilla acknowledges, post-break-up, that Laura still prioritises the school over her. It’s genuinely great acting. Bauman and Negovanlis (especially when together) rarely disappoint, though their chemistry from that sizzling champagne/kidnapping episode in season one to the ease of their kisses now has skyrocketed. It’s Laura’s character that is the disappointment.
Bauman is not to blame here. She does a fantastic job of maintaining Laura’s likeability—a difficult task this season. Her so-called altruism is often just foolishness. Laura’s world-view is still black-and-white, after everything—and that’s the most frustrating thing. The character that should’ve made the most progression, the most growth—remained stock-still.
As predictable as the Vordenberg and Perry twists were, it was the sheer lack of Laura and Carmilla’s relationship that’s baffling.
The few scenes Carmilla and Laura did get together post-break-up were excellent. It’s not really about wanting to see the duo together. It’s that, from a story-telling perspective, why spend an entire season to build a relationship to tear it apart in a few episodes? And the only purpose it served was to deliver some angst like any other show. However, we had to give Bauman and Negovanlis a section, simply because of the bewitching way Natasha Negovanlis delivered this:
Carmilla: She isn’t mine. You are. To annoy or not; to love or not; to save…or not.
It’s so beautifully done. You needn’t ‘ship’ the duo to know they are the fire of the show. Negovanlis in particular is enchanting in the way she embodies Carmilla. There’s a dreamy drawl to her voice, ageless wisdom encased in a youthful mouth that wants to kiss Laura… who wants to save the world instead. The episode in which Carmilla tells Laura how they’d hypothetically run away, Bauman stares as if Carmilla’s her world. Negovanlis says her dialogue with hefty yet restrained want. The camera is further away, as if we are peeking into an intensely private moment. It’s completely silent.They are electric. It’s the best scene of the season.
As per Joseph Sheridan le Fanu’s famous novella: “You are mine, you shall be mine, you and I are one for ever.”
Season two wasn’t very convincing of that. But Bauman and Negovanlis’ content? Absolutely.
The new setting looks gorgeous. The old house gives it a very different feel, though the nostalgic in me misses the simple dorm room. Thus, the old ‘Carmilla’.
The idea of moving the setting, whilst keeping the vlog format, worked. The new setting allowed for a wider view given we had so many new characters. Plus, it just looked so much nicer. However, often the blocking wasn’t great and we couldn’t see all of the characters. Again, there was a noticeable lack of acting in the background. Exceptions would be Bauman, Walker and Briggs.
Negovanlis deserves perhaps a separate paragraph because she is quite brilliant at it. If you watch carefully, perhaps on mute, you can see exactly how she feels. It’s in her posture, her face, her eyes. Negovanlis is an absolute natural—and gosh, it’s a darn good job she is Carmilla. Hopefully, she will get an expanded role in season three.
The goal of season two seems quite clear: expansion, some world-building and plot cleverness. However, what ‘Carmilla’ excelled at was its intimacy and charm. It doesn’t need a huge array of plot devices that weren’t all answered. It needs more of Negovanlis. You can’t bench her. You would think that is an obvious solution.
We need Carmilla in ‘Carmilla’.
Final Verdict: ‘Carmilla’ had an ambitious script and goals this season, but ultimately they fell flat and threads were left unresolved—or resolved too quickly. Yet there is still this underlying, irresistible charm.
‘Carmilla’ really tried this season. Jordan Hall’s usually simple but effective script was jumbled and all over the place. Some of the jokes seemed misplaced—and it just didn’t work.
There are very simple reasons as to why not. Firstly, there seems to be a fear of making serious, impactful decisions on the show. They killed Mattie, but then they didn’t. They killed Danny, but then they didn’t. They didn’t know what to do with Perry (Annie Briggs is brilliant—but really, what was her purpose?) so they stuck the Dean in her. These things are noticeable, and sometimes it feels as if the writing team don’t want to just do what they tease they will. It will work a few times. Carmilla’s sacrifice in the season one finale is a prime example—it had huge emotional consequence for Laura, and finally a romantic denouement for ‘Hollstein’. But overdoing it won’t fool anyone.
The biggie was that there just wasn’t enough Carmilla. It’s ludicrous to say it on a show called ‘Carmilla’ but why have her take such a passive role? Why waste Negovanlis’ talent when she is arguably the best in the cast?
Despite all of that—and the fact that Laura should’ve been really unlikeable—Bauman held the show together. Negovanlis did when she was given the opportunity; Sophia Walker was an excellent addition too. But the plot seemed so forced and farcical that it’s lucky ‘Carmilla’ has such a good cast. It goes especially for Laura and Carmilla. Without Bauman, Laura would be a rambling, annoying mess; Bauman is sweet, nervous and genuine. Without Negovanlis, Carmilla would be a clichéd, dark hero of the night; Negovanlis is sensual and irresistible. A juxtaposition of old and young; apathetic and loving; selfish and selfless. Together the duo make up Cinderella’s shoe. And that is what worked this season.
CARMILLA, in its third season, is free to watch on YouTube.
Season Two Verdict: ‘Carmilla’ [YouTube]
Nicola Choi
I feel like I agree with a lot of this but I can’t agree that Carmilla is the most compelling character. For me far and away Laura is. Together though I do agree they are the most compelling.
I just felt this short changed the incredible work Elise Bauman does a little bit in implying she’s not as strong as Negovanlis when I would actually argue she’s actually slightly stronger. Though both are clearly the two strongest.
S2 just rested so squarely on Elise’s shoulders and and she carried it off so well that personally I would have given her a little more praise than this article did. I mean in a 4 day shoot she’s in every scene but 1 and somehow still manages to deliver the most consistent performance and make the audience still want Laura to succeed even when Laura is being an ass. There’s so much subtle work she does that carries this show.
But, overall I did really like this article and do agree with most points
Hi Jesse, thank you! Yes–indeed, I thought Elise was absolutely fantastic…she so regularly carries the show on her shoulders that it must be exhausting. I know I mentioned it briefly that she did, but perhaps not enough; you are right-maybe she deserved her own section but theres only so long a reader may want to read a season review. However as stated I agree 100^% about Ms. Bauman; I think i lathered the praise on the s1 verdict. This was a little more critical as i was admittedly less satisfied with this season. But I do absolutely agree with you.
I guess I should have mentioned that s2 resting just on Ms. Bauman’s shoulders i a fault in itself when you have such a huge cast. Where is the development? It skipped huge points and relied heavily on Laura. Indeed I absolutely praised, above, the ability she has to keep the “likeability factor” when truly, Laura’s characterization needed a real kick up the backside!
Thank you once more Jesse. Wishing you all the very best!
— Nico
(indeed i was hoping to save Ms Bauman for the s3 thus final verdict. Alas–spoilers! XD )
Thank you for the response and like I said I do agree with almost the entirety of your review, just for me I was probably more drawn to Elise’s performance in s2 than Natasha’s while for you it was Natasha that stood out more. But, they were both wonderful and together truly make this show something special.
Like you said they both do so much in making their characters come across as likeable and compelling. Massive kudos to you for writing such thoughtful reviews and taking the time to respond to my comment
Yes, I agree. I found this review too heavy on the Negovanlis praise and too skimpy with Baumans. It’s both of them together that make this show. I also personally find Bauman to be the more natural and consistent actress of the two. Sometimes Negovanlis has trouble keeping up with her in emotional scenes, but their chemistry makes up for any type of blunder. Together they really are stunning to watch
Hi Jesse and Jenn
Firstly thank you for your courteous constructive criticism and input. I think with a show quirkily set up so the eponymous character is in fact not the lead (and as I mentioned, flew by in season two…) it’s a bit of a quibble. However when I do load praise on an actor or actress it does not mean I value the other any less. It simply means there are three seasons; the last season is the third, and thus will have an overall feel.
It is interesting–subjectivity–because subjectively I would disagree with both of you. Of pure integrity I’d totally understand your POV. For me this season, Bauman did for sure carry the show–but the show itself was not a heavy weight. It was not like season one, in which Bauman for me was truly a revelation and Negovanlis was not. For *me*, in season two, Negovanlis stole most of the limited scenes she got–and was far more consistent. I enjoy her subtlety and her quiet nature of emotion; but that’s just personal taste.
For Ms. Bauman, I always, always look forward to watching her. Many times I find her extremely over the top. Maybe it’s a Laura thing. But it does get to a point where it’s kind of cringey for me.
Nonetheless, I find both actresses amazing in what they do. Especially in such a compressed period of time. You are both right–in my opinion–when you say they impress together. I find they elevate each other’s performances. The quiet talk they had post break-up playing that old Egyptian(?) board game really sticks in mind. But yes, whilst my opinion has not changed, I understand completely–and opinions are such after all 🙂 Thank you for offering a different perspective!
All the best,
Was agreeing with you up till when you called Elise OTT while calling Natasha the more subtle of the two. I don’t know to me that fails to appreciate the characters for who they are and fails to see the subtleties Elise puts into her performance while ignoring some of Natasha’s more OTT moments. Obviously we all see things differently but it does seem like you have a particular bias the more you discuss things here and that’s fine but it does take away my appreciation of this review
Hi Jesse
Thanks for pointing that out to me Jesse, I appreciate that opinion (always have done in your comments)! I do stand by that assessment but again I’m still merely one reviewer of one web-series (now a movie too!) but I think as you quite rightly pointed out earlier (I think it was you–and I still thank you for it) that I hadn’t focused nearly enough on Elise Bauman in this review. I’d been hoping to save it for the final one, but in that I had of course done myself in on that. I do appreciate a lot of the mostly constructive criticism this seems to have spawned, so that’s also great as well to read. Something to keep in mind for the future when taking any show and roasting through it. Maybe if I ever had the time to rewatch any episodes I would change my mind on the matter too – maybe not. I’ll never know, but I thank you for your opinion yet again!
All the best,
I feel like this is maybe a bit harsh considering it’a a web series, but then maybe the show brought that upon itself by setting such excellent standards in the first place?
Indeed i do respect that. As above what i try to do is if i give out major crit eg too many things going on at once—> unresolved or certainly unsatisfactory results/very anti climactic. So i simply suggest a consideration of the s1 format which by viewership stats and satisfaction was indeed higher. Ofc that is not just pacing itself.
As for being more lenient with a web series, i respect web series as legitimate entertainment media thus i treat it as such. Considering the grade (B-) is not bad at all- its good:) i justifg it via elise bauman (truly i should have a section for her but i was,alas, saving for the s3 verdict 🙂
For the show setting high stnds thats fab! What i discuss (at the beginning and end) is indeed the shows ambition to expand and world build. Unfortunately it didnt click–but im onlh one person so it is not a majority rep. I dont think anyone agrees truly w critics lol!
I hope all of that has explained my reasoning. If not please let mr know or u can even tweet me. Just think of me as one person: it is only my analysis
Thank you indeed! All tbe best 🙂
– Nico
Lovely review. I too felt like there wasn’t enough “Carmilla” in Carmilla in season 2. I felt like the pace of season two was a little off and that was the main problem. But now after watching the first two acts of season 3 I feel like season 2 was actually a perfect bridge between season 1 and season 3. S3 wouldn’t have been so satisfying if Laura’s character didn’t fall so much in S2.
I also don’t totally agree about the fact that Laura should have been the one to make the most progression. She was a naive girl in season 1 and she was justified in her thinking when she “won” at the end of S1 so there was no reason for her to change her world-views (good triumphs against evil, the “monster” changes and they live happily ever after, end of story) and the more time passed, the more it was hard for her to accept she made a mistake because she would have to admit she was actually not right about everything. It’s like this huge identity crisis, it’s never easy to admit to oneself how bad we fucked up and this made Laura so human (even if childish some time to time) and I loved it.
The problem was more that we didn’t get to see the progression of Carmilla as much as we should have. For me, she’s the one who actually grew the most and it was beautiful to watch, from the moment she realized that Laura was idolizing her to actually saying no to the excellent line delivery you talked about. Laura wouldn’t be able to change if Carmilla didn’t stand up to her like she did. It’s just sad we didn’t get to see more of Carmilla’s realizations and her growth because she was so absent and that’s a big miss of S2.
Anyway, there isn’t so much that I can say in just a comment, to me, S2 makes perfect sense when it’s juxtaposed with S3 and it’s hard to review it on its own. I’ll be looking forward to your S3 review.
Hi Ana,
Thank you for your own personal opinion too! It’s good hearing other people’s POV’s. My thoughts weren’t so much on season one–though she was hideously naive then too–but somehow in that space between S1 and S2 she got even more naive. When you dissect the plot–especially Vordernberg’s side–it becomes a little ludicrous. Laura felt like a playing piece that *had* to believe Vordernberg in order to push the story along. As a personal choice, I do not like it when characters are used like that. I understand and respect your POV; I think it’s a great one 🙂 I agree she had that heroes and villains mentality. Yet if we didn’t just focus on the endgoal but rather the journey, I find Laura’s trajectory alarmingly similar.
As for Carmilla, I think we didn’t get progression so much as we got back-story with Mattie. I do agree with you actually–that was a lovely scene. I ponder if we would *see* the same progression with Carmilla as Laura–firstly, Carmilla is far more internalised, and secondly, this is ultimately Laura’s story and Laura’s vlog. Thus I’d expect we’d see more of Laura’s. But even in showing us how close Carmilla and Mattie were, and then Carmilla telling Laura of the locket–it did show us how deeply she loved Laura, but I also wish Carmilla’s story did not always revolve around that relationship. It’s why I found her and Mattie so brilliantly fun. Walker is excellent! But again–just an opinion 🙂 I confess I have not seen “Carmilla- series zero” so I have no idea if that contributes to this or not!
I love your point about season three. We can already–albeit all too briefly–see the consequences hit Laura in the first few episodes when it’s just Carmilla and Laf doing the research. I look forward to writing it! Thank you.
All the best,
Nice review, Bauman and Walker are the best in the cast though by far. They are the most consistent performers and Elise kills emotional scenes in such a natural way, it just has no rival. Natasha though is lovely, and a season needs lots of both her Carmilla and Elise’s Laura in equal balance to work since they play beautifully off of each other.
Hi Jenn! Indeed I agree. Though I find that Elise as perky Laura is sometimes…a little too perky. I don’t know if that’s an acting choice but–it’s very perky. But that is of course just my personal taste. I agree–Elise is amazing with those emotional scenes. I absolutely agree with you. By far, this was not intended to be a “performer of the series” article–in such examples I often highlighted Briggs, Walker (exceptional), Bauman and Negovanlis. But you are right. And unfortunately that is what I found wrong with this season. Not because I am some huge fan of Carmilla (I like her but I’m a Laura gal!) but because as you say it threw their dynamic very off–balance. It also rendered their five-episode (or however many) relationship a little…well, it was a lazy plot device. Add that to the offbeat pacing and it is not a surprise to me that these comments (and my review!) focus on the actors/acting.
All the best,
Bauman, Briggs and Walker all pretty clearly have that Xfactor. They don’t play a broody character(always the most praised and liked character in any given series) like Natasha does, but their charisma is inarguable. I would also argue that Carmilla on her own makes for a lackluster performance. Negovanlis seems to need Bauman and Walker to make her stand out whereas other cast members seem more equipped to carry things on their own.
Still a nice review though. We probably disagree just a bit because of personal biases and because different things speak to different people.
Hi Grace
It’s interesting you say that because I find broody characters are often overlooked–though by broody I do mean aloof and quiet and withdrawn rather than, often, “television broody” with the sarcastic quips and whatnot. I agree with you. I would not want to rank any actor over any other. I do have immense respect for them.
It is a good point you make, actually. I didn’t think of that. It is so rare for Laura to not be in a scene.,But it also depends on what you mean–is she elevated by them? Does she elevate them? Do they have chemistry, importantly? Or is it utter support from e.g. Walker or Bauman? So I guess there’s that dynamic. Walker, I find much more than Bauman, but perhaps because of her character–delivers the power, fire and is rather addictive to watch. In those “news segments” I found Mattie much more entertaining.
Needless to say–I think all the above are fantastic. They are flawed as well (in my opinion) so I should look forward to extending my S3 review to analyse that a little more. Thanks for your input–it’s greatly appreciated!
All the best
This reads like a Natasha Negovanlis fangirl was somehow allowed to publish a review. A lot of the points other than that were quite accurate but the over the top fangirlish praise for her really took me out of things and de-legitimized the review
Hi Julia
Thank you for your response! I’m terribly sorry you feel that way. Alas, I can only say I tried. Yet reviews–no matter the outlet: IGN, AV Club, Hypable…–are terribly subjective. After all it is one person typing it up–typing their analysis or their opinion. Some things may have multiple theories (see: “Stranger Things”!) but unfortunately I do not “fangirl” for Ms. Negovanlis. I admired her ability to steal scenes with subtlety and with restraint; yet whilst loud and OTT characters grate on my nerves, I adore Laura Hollis to pieces. So rather incredibly that’s the wrong way round. But there is still yet another season to go and things change every time.
I am surprised and apologetic it illegitimated your perspective of the review. Regardless of whether or not I find Negovanlis terrible or great, I still find the pacing of the season off; the crammed additional storylines of sideline characters coming to no satisfactory ending; some episodes somehow consisted of moving the story nowhere; Vordernberg?! Why?; I thought the emission of Carmilla–again, regardless of acting ability–at the expense of sideline characters a lazy substitution. The plot could’ve been tightened and streamlined–not all over the place. That way you can get characters who you wouldn’t have thought would interact–interacting. For example in season three–Laf and Carmilla. It is nice to see season three return to its roots a little bit: intimacy, simplicity and charm. It’s very “Orphan Black”. As soon as OB tried to go too far it got messy and nonsensical. When it came back especially the most recent season, it was spectacular once more. But that is just my opinion–as I will say, is any reviewer’s–for they are one person–and surely a fanbase cannot agree with one person. Not even the writer! 😛
Thanks for your input anyway–my sincere apologies if character commentary illegitimated plot commentary for you!
All the best
NIce review- However both Bauman and Negovanlis are deserving of equal praise.
Thanks Jarod for your input. I think they are both wonderful, yes.
All the best!
I think you’ve touched on a lot of excellent points regarding the overall flaws of the second season. There’s something to be said for the art of simplicity, and I think the writers’ ambition for a complex second season resulted in a script that was more convoluted and less satisfying. It took a couple of repeat viewings before I could fully grasp what in the heck was going on with the plot, and you know there’s something flawed with the overall story arc if the Laura/Carmilla narrative had to suffer for it. Much of the humor from the first season was missing with the awesome exception of Carmilla and Laura driving each other nuts as petty exes, but the tone was generally middling for the most part and it was hard to get invested with the secondary characters.
And yes… the writers made a bit of a mess with Laura’s character arc. The decisions she was making were generally (uniformly) terrible, but the way she responded to the hell she was creating was even more questionable and dissatisfying. Her breakup with Carmilla and the fallout from Mattie’s “death” are two of the more prominent ones that come to mind. By the time she was pleading for Carmilla to come and save them, I was just as ambivalent as Carmilla was about it.
But I still love Laura more than any other character, and that, to me, is a testament to how incredible Elise Bauman’s performance is. The writers made a lot of controversial choices with her story arc, but she still managed to make her a sympathetic character.
And don’t get me wrong… Natasha deserves every bit of praise you’ve so thoughtfully heaped on top of her. She was practically born to play this role, and the casting directors must have been inwardly singing when she first walked into the audition room. She is always engaging whenever she’s on the screen, which is why it’s so frustrating when she’s absent. The show would not have been as successful without her because she embodies Carmilla so flawlessly.
But I find that Elise has the more thankless job of playing the “straight-man” to Carmilla’s mysterious vampire. (And that pun was absolutely intended because Laura is neither straight nor a man. Tee hee.) It’s easy for the audience to love and adore Carmilla because she plays the classical anti-hero: she doesn’t adhere to any moral code and is thus more intriguing by comparison. She’s broody, sarcastic, gorgeous, and aloof, but she also carries her heart on her sleeve. Laura, by contrast, is grounded in morals/principles and doesn’t get to snack on co-eds just for kicks. She’s inherently going to be less exciting as a character, so the fact that Elise stands her ground and demands that we love her just as much is abso-freaking commendable. Their chemistry with each other is so unbelievably ridiculous it’s no wonder we pine for their scenes together.
All in all, this is a fair assessment, and I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on Season 3. Thanks for the review and keep on posting! =)
Hi Cecily
Thanks for your thoughts! Yes I’d agree there. The discussion re acting really doesnt move me for i admire them a lot — it is the bts (writing, prod, post prod) that affected my enjoyment — hence the individual letter grades. I do agree it was convoluted though not particularly difficult — it was just made convoluted and for me i think that is why i sort of was unfazed when it finished. Yes absolutely. I had hoped they wouldnt go down that cliche route!
Indeed you are right. Again i must stress this is season two only- im digging in some overall stuff wiith the s3 one. With elise i am not shy to say she carries the show. I think i do say it above. She undoubtedly did and personally i dont think she was perfect–but she was my perfect Laura. Sentimentality wins 😛 i guess it is how you see their parts– Laura as merely the nerdy krav maga gal? Carmilla as the broody vampire? Or are there more layers and are they portrayed well? So its admittedly very subjective. Ultimately laura is selfishly my no1, and ultimately carmilla lacked time (ironically) thus–ultimately! –a brick in the foundation falls and others topple too.
It is very interesting you have thay assessment of laura and carmilla. Im not familiar enough with the fandom–but they are so vastly different it is unimaginable to even compare!
Its nice to hear everyones opinions though–interesting that they are so different across platforms too!
All the best
Wow, this whole review is amazingly accurate in its critique of S2…its like you took the words out of my mouth. Actually I still felt that Laura was somewhat annoying and dislikable in s2, but that’s a minor point.
Hi kearin
Thank you for your kind words ! I can only some feel actually feel i am far too lenient in this piece; others a bit too harsh–so as varied as this fandom is, we defo cant please everyone but i am glad you agree. just as glad as others who don;t–but more glad that you took the time to comment 🙂
Yeah, for Laura…I don’t know if it was a writing decision or not but the rather hideous way she backtracked all of season one’s development was extremely frustrating. And this is why i must commend Elise–as many have pointed out, but i am not reviewing the series yet…–on holding this character together. The writing is usually okay for Laura (still a little irritating in s1 imo) but season two was disastrous. Ignorant, childish, pigheaded–it was just like she’d gone back five years. I see what you mean by it being a minor point. For me it was a little more prominent because she was of course at the epicentre of everything. Plus, all the foolish decisions and idiotic rubbish kinda fell on her. But it was good to see her acknowledge responsibility for once. She so badly wanted to be this ‘voice of silas’ orone woman justice league of the uni but does not understand the consequences. That is where Mattie and Carmilla, as douchey as they can be, could’e warned her–and did–but she ignored them. And then season 2 kinda happened…
A long reply–i apologise. But long story short: Elise Bauman is magical. i think she’s a bloody wonderful actress! thank you for your comment!
All the best
Thank YOU for your reply. I too think that Elise was perhaps given a tall order in s2 because the writing did her no favors. But again like you I feel that Natasha gave the standout performance (by far).
I am going to disagree with you on the best scene, because there was only one scene in the entire 36 episodes that redeemed the season for me. And that is this scene (or rather Natasha’s background acting in this scene):
Credit goes to the tumblr blog for the gif.
How much she is able to portray in that few seconds despite being half hidden in the background. I would have regretted if I dropped the series midway (which I very nearly did) and did not get to see this scene. Never expected such compelling acting from a webseries!
Oh aye no need to thank! A review is by just one person–who has no superiority in what is, ultimately, their opinion 🙂
Oh that is a wonderful scene. (though–nobody kill me–i did not find Elise convincing in that scene at ALL.) the appeal of both leads–and i refuse to turn this to a competition but they are so different, and perhaps people like em for different reasons. maybe one person likes Carmilla for her mystery and deadpan humor and bravery. I enjoy her heavily contained emotion, and the way Negovanlis just lets it slip, like a leak.Oh I do agree with you. In fact to find an absolute favourite would be difficult! I did not expect to get so attached to these folks! But gosh. and yes. I think i stated in my review. Natasha is of a few who react so, so well even when not in focus
I find Laura a little more open; prone to actively emoting. Carmilla I feel like she is more cautious. How must it feel to have 100s of years of blood indirectly on your hands and just want love again? how about you? Its very interesting. It then plays into how you interpret who is good and who isn’t–what kind of acting you prefer or deem “good” I guess”!
Thank you for replying to me – best wishes!
What i loved about s2 laura ( that some people hated) is that she was finally allowed to make mistakes. The audience was ahead of her at times, but that didn’t affect my enjoyment. In s1 she was virtually the flawless ingenue and everything just happened to work out for her. S2 allowed the seeds planted in s1 (her occasional short sightedness and mistrust of supernatural creatures) to come up. She almost embodies white feminism. Tries to do good but can’t help listen to vordenberg rather than mattie. ( ps am I the only one who loved the vordie- carmilla scenes? Such a flip from the novella!!)
Hi Nene
Thank you for your input! I do agree. I do think in season one Laura made huge errors but never felt the brunt of consequence as she did in season two. So that was interesting and I liked that aspect. Unfortunately for me whilst the Vordernberg plot could have had potential it was far too farcical thus it made Laura not look naive or overly trusting but kind of idiotic. She does however remain my favourite I must admit! But this season — so centred around Laura (I did feel the ensemble were weak) — with a weak script, felt much of a shambles. So character wise I wasn’t convinced but I understand and agree with you! Much growth is to be had via such mistakes.
Ahh you have read the novella! What did you think? I rifled through the first two-thirds then the last nearly sent me to sleep!
All the best
I’m shocked no one commented about the entire sentences and paragraphs lifted from L chat zetaboards in this article. I like Natasha but this is a fangirl-leaning, too biased review. If the author put her crush on the lady aside, she’d see Briggs & Walker act circles around Natasha. No slight to her, but come on.
Hi Jessie,
Thank you for your input. Unfortunately I do not frequent there–I used to, perhaps a year ago(?) for The 100 but when again–not ‘frequent’.You have nothing but my word that I’ve never visited the ‘Carmilla’ page nor shall I ever intend to, though I am sure it is lovely and lively. There are some things in the comment that are not constructive criticism that I’d like to address–though I will remain courteous at least:
– Unfortunately I do not have a “crush on the lady” — I think Negovanlis deserved the praise this season especially for the time she was held back. In reviews there will always be actors highlighted. ‘Carmilla’ is not a production where the cast deserve to be. For Bauman, I spoke of her carrying the show and indeed that without her, Laura would not be Laura. For Walker, I have continuously praised her throughout the article; the same goes for Briggs, though a little less, for I found Walker far more convincing. As for ‘etc’ I did not find any of the others, other than those four, to be particularly impressive. Not to say they were bad, just not impressive.
– There is a subjectivity to how viewers watch a show (er, web-series) and it is ultimately what you look for In a performance that wins you over. By far, my two frontrunners are Walker, Bauman and Negovanlis–that is why I think Walker is such a fantastic addition. For Bauman, I recognised her work (she carried the burden of the season–which was not heavy)–and if I find her performance in Season Three to be fantastic for the material she is given, then I’ll write a heap on her. If I find Annie Briggs does: the very same. From my subjective point of view, what I wrote is what I think didn’t work about the season, and why. But subjectivity can be discussed; for example, someone may say Sophia Walker stole the show. I’d agree that she would have. Bauman perhaps a little behind her.
– Some courtesy would be excellent. Others who have disagreed have been so in their notion to “agree to disagree”.
As for “no slight” to the author, I do not feel the slight in the very least but I hope my explanation justifies your, uh, comment. Though I suppose slight offence can be found in the sly accusation I’ve lifted material from a message board (how many messages would I ever read in my life?)–that would be plagiarism, and also robs me of the opportunity to air my own opinion.
All the best,
(Though I confess my lady crushes are Sarah Shahi and Amy Acker.)
I also remember these comments. So either people you’ve talked to quoted you almost verbatim, ir that was you on anon on l chat. XD lots of crossover between the l00 and carmilla, and i remember you from the loo thread. You are an lchat reg. why pretend otherwise?
Hi Red,
Yeah I enjoyed “The 100” for some time. Needless to say I take plagiarism very seriously, and TVAD even more so. I kind of watched season two roughly a few weeks before this. I am in the midst of watching season three now. Certainly I did not rifle through The L Chat — but you may have only my (unbelievable, it unfortunately seems) word. So I apologise for that — most sincerely.
All the best
there’s a bit of random mob mentality where nobody reads what the actual article says and just stans for who ever they believe in. a lot of the review hit stuff like script issues, and as if carmilla would be a success without hollstein. it just wouldn’t. so it’s natural to say they’re the selling point. sophia’s amazing (i didnt think annie was tbh) but she wouldn’t sell the show on her own. i just think this one sentence concisely explains elise’s importance:
“Despite all of that—and the fact that Laura should’ve been really unlikeable—Bauman held the show together.”
elise did do that but laura was super annoying. and some of elise’s acting was good, but most of it was just the usual enthusiastic toddler or w/e. natasha was much better this season than elise. elise was better than natasha last season. i cant say the same for the fandom but i watch for hollstein (and mattie). nobody interests me except those three, maybe ‘perry’ now in s3.
great and professional review. good criticism of the script, the lack of carmilla and you reasoned it well.
Hi Sarah
In all honesty, I think any criticism of my opinion has been fair–though it will not change my opinion nor my review of S3, though I think the commenters must know that. After all, media is so subjective that I could say anyone stole the show and it would irritate some people because they think different, and they want to voice it. I will say whilst it I don’t think ‘Carmilla’ is exactly in need of any publicity, I thought it might be nice to review a webseries as we tend to review bigger shows. But we’ll see re: s3! I’ll have a think on it.
ETA: Not for the sake of criticism–that, I thrive off (or rather–value highly). The accusation of me plagiarising off an anonymous lesbian message board, however, is ludicrous and kind of offensive that I’d bother writing a review … because somehow, as a reviewer, I have no opinion myself? It is as funny as it is offensive I guess.
Thank you for commenting on the script issues. Whilst I didn’t think S1 was perfect, S2 was a bit of a jumbled mess in that department. I hope that solidifies Ms. Bauman’s importance to the show. When I say she held the show together, I do mean it–she really *did*. I agree with your assessment of their acting (though maybe I am more lenient there with Elise) but nobody’s perfect. I do 100 percent agree about Mattie’s inclusion. Sophia Walker is one scary powerhouse.
Thank you for your kind words. To be truthful, the fandom has mostly been kind to me, so it has been encouraging.
All the best
I would disagree with your assessment that Natasha was much stronger than Elise this season and actually say while Natasha improved, Elise still outshone her in their emotional scenes. It’s all subjective obviously. But, I find Natasha only good opposite Elise or Sophia and even then they both out act her. I much preferred the Sophia and Elise scenes to the Natasha and Sophia ones as Elise was a better match IMO. Isn’t it funny how we all view things differently
Hi Kiera
Thanks for your comment! Yeah, absolutely. I think the subjectivity is intense. I actually when reading elements of your post agree. I have to say I prefer the Natasha/Sophia ones (while still loving the Elise/Sophia ones) and overall while I would (if I had to rank them by some horrible chance) say Elise is my favourite, I find her sometimes more over the top than her already over the top character. So there’s that. But for a little web series (well, not so little now) they are all very good, though the obvious strong ones (in my opinion) are Elise, Natasha, Sophia and Annie. But yes definitely! Thank you for commenting!
All the best
Good, critical review. You backed up both your criticisms and praises and it’s nice to see someone not completely gushing about Carmilla. Even in your season one review you didn’t. I think this was fair but i think, even though Elise is the best thing out of Carmilla probably, she’s the most watchable, she wasn’t in season two.
First off Laura was stupidly written and secondly, it was all the same kind of acting. It was on rare occasions she exacted emotion different to her ‘nerdy cheerful dork’, Sophia Walker and Natasha Negovanlis, in season two, did a much better job with their characters. You can blame the writers but the writing’s already been highlighted as an issue. In terms of acting it seems as if it’s praise of acting what they’re given. The reviewer’s completely right.
But that’s just my opinion. Like the reviewer says (far too fair to some clear trolls) it’s all subjective. I hated Carmilla S2 (loved S1 and S3 so far) and would’ve given it a D or something. So I think you’ve been lenient, but you’ve justified it.
Hi Kate,
Thank you for your kind words, they are greatly appreciated. I am indeed a fan of ‘Carmilla’ but I think–like many fans–I am not blind to its weaknesses (which are aplenty). However, media can be immensely flawed yet still enjoyable, I think.
I agree with your assessment of the acting. I do want to add a little re: Sophia. I think she’s just been an absolute revelation and exactly what the cast needed. To have her as Mattie–the haughty tone of her voice, the sashay rather than the mere walk…she’s wonderful in her extremely detailed depiction.
(Wow! A D?! Fair play–I didn’t think highly of this season either. I think perhaps a C is the lowest I’d go, but your opinion is not mine–and I’m glad you get that 🙂 )
All the best,
Is…someone going to tell her Carmilla is in more episodes in S2 than S1? Girl needs to bench her natasha boner. So uncomfortable to read.
Hi Nicky
(No–but thank you for informing me). As for your opinion–I apologise you feel such a way. If I were to have a crudeness for either it would be Elise Bauman, unfortunately–however, with the quality of the script of S2 and what the actors made of it, my opinion still remains. Especially on Elise Bauman. While she shouldered the show, there alas was not much to shoulder. I found her rather over-the-top and childish–as I recognise her character is, but more than was necessary. I recognise Annie Briggs often falls into the “over-the-top” category. As for S1/S2 — I am merely reviewing S2 and its content and performances. In this case, in my one opinion, I found Negovanlis, and then Walker — a close second — to make the most of their performances.
For example, when such is said that Walker acted the socks off Negovanlis — would you then simply look at screen-time? Minutes =/= usage of character. But again –a review is my opinion (still an opinion–no matter the website!) so I fully respect yours too, thus thank you for taking your time to read — and then comment.
All the best
I’ve read through all your comments and it seems like your opinion on Elise’s performance gets more negative as people question you on it and that seems terribly unfair. Like I get it, you personally thought Natasha was the standout this season, that’s fine we all connect to different performances, but to allow discussion of your review to suddenly make you unnecessarily harsh on Bauman’s performance-going from saying she did a great job to saying she was OTT and made you cringe and even saying you were lenient on her? I’m sorry but you seem to have become increasingly defensive simply because some people don’t rate Negovanlis higher than Bauman like you do.
I really enjoyed this review and your s1 review but the tone you’ve taken in the comments towards Bauman has made me not particularly interested in your s3 review. You just seem to not have much respect for the work Bauman does on the show and the fact that for many she is by far the standout. I think maybe you need to realise that people saying they like Bauman’s performance more isn’t them saying you’re not allowed to like Negovanlis more and that it shouldn’t have made you increasingly negative towards Bauman.
I could sit here and point out the many ways I think Bauman is the strongest performer on the show and the areas I think Negovanlis floundered in s2 (though overall she improved compared to s1) but it’s obvious that would just make you more negative towards Bauman in your defence
Hi Lisa
Oh, I’m sorry you read it that way. I think Elise did a great job this season (a better job in season three of what I’ve seen, and probably the best in season one, which is probably somehow the reverse of anything…) but yes I did find her over-the-top at some points and with that comes the cringiness. I do apologise if it sounds oddly harsh/defensive to you (not my intention) but I only intended it as a justification for some strong opinions that I felt needed some explaining. However, I do apologise if it did sound that way.
But that is absolutely alright. In all fairness I haven’t had the time to even check out ‘Carmilla’ the final act, but we’ve had plenty of coverage from the comic-con they recently attended that one of our reviewers went to and said the cast were lovely. You may be interested in that material.
Again, for your last remark – weirdly, I find it differs season to season. Personally – I thought Elise for S1, Natasha for S2 and Annie for S3 (I don’t know the general consensus) – but again, my apologies if my tone read that way! And thank you for taking the time to read not only the review but the comments too.
All the best,
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