Confrontations, Family Vengeance and Rebekah’s Rejection Sebastian Roché Shares Tid-Bits of Mikael’s Journey on The Originals This Season.
He’s plays probably one of the worst dads on television. Sebastian Roché known for his role as one of the big bad in Season Two of The Originals, Mikael Mikaelson. TV After Dark chats with Roché and he teases about a possible reconciliation with Rebekah and that we’ll see where the origin of his anger on his character comes from. – We learned Roché thoughts on possibly delving into Mikael’s true nature, “interesting to see someone uniformly bad and suddenly show his true nature.” He boasts about his character coming out winning if Mikael was in a confrontation with Klaus biological dad. Check out the interview below.
TVAD | Do you ever see yourself playing or challenging yourself as another character?
Sebastian Roché | Yes, it just so happens, I’m very successful in this type of role, but I have played other characters. I recently played Phantom Halo in which I played a very different character it could be seen as he playing bad but there is a lot heart in the character. He’s seemingly a bad guy but he’s been through a very tragic human situation.
Will we get to see Mikael’s confrontation with Klaus’ biological dad?
I can’t really talk too much about that, but it would be an interesting camp. His life and his family quest for revenge is motivated by the fact that my wife had an affair with his biological dad. So I think if that ever happens, it would be pretty spectacular. With me winning of course.
Did Julie Plec provide the background of Mikael’s love for Esther?
I gave myself that background as well as Julie and who knows. It’s true they don’t know their history and who knows maybe there will be an episode where we will see the history of their love. They probably were meant for each other early on.
Is Mikael specifically doing any scenes coming up with Esther.
I can’t really reveal too much it could be interesting who knows.
How would Mikael handle an encounter with Rebekah, if given the chance?
That would be interesting that’s always something I’d welcome to have a scene with my daughter. She’s the one that seems less reprehensible of my children towards me that is. I have a tiny moment with her in The Vampire Diaries which I really liked and she even rejected me even though she knew Klaus killed my wife. It would be nice to have a reconciliation where I’m there, I’m baring my heart out. I’d like to see that. It’s always interesting to see someone uniformly bad and suddenly show his true nature. Where does this anger come from? You know I think that is always interesting and actually you will see it coming from him this season.
The Originals airs Monday at 8/7c on CW