Feed The Beast 1×06: Things Don’t Go Quite as Planned on Opening Day AMC released the official episode synopsis, promotional photos, and preview for Feed The Beast 1×06 titled, “The Wild West,” written by Tony Saltzman and [...]
Feed The Beast 1×04: An Arrogant New Chef Shakes Up Thirio AMC released the official episode synopsis, promotional photos, and preview for Feed The Beast 1×04 titled, “Secret Sauce,” written by Hilly Hicks Jr and directed by Jon S. [...]
Feed The Beast 1×03: It has to be Paid Somehow AMC released the official episode synopsis, promotional photos, and preview for Feed The Beast 1×03 titled, “Screw You, Randy,” written by Liz Sagal and directed by Jon S. Baird. Check [...]
Feed The Beast 1×02: There’s Some Tough Love Ahead for the Moran Family AMC released the official episode synopsis, promotional photos, and preview for Feed The Beast 1×02 titled, “Father of the Year,” written by David Babcock [...]