Has everyone fully recovered from the Season 6 finale of The Walking Dead yet? No? We’re right there with you. Sunday’s finale introduced the most lethal (and desirable) villain yet: Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) and oh baby, did he bring a storm with him! After a whole season of anticipating and dreading his arrival, Negan finally made his presence be known at the very end of the episode, letting Rick and the group know that they were not even close to being safe. Even though he made us hide under our covers, Negan did have some pretty awesome lines. It was very hard to choose but we finally narrowed it down to our top five! WARNING: POTENTIAL SPOILERS.
#5. “Ugh, I gotta shave this s***.”
With this quote (said after looking at Abraham’s ‘stache), Negan was able to do two things: First, he successfully distracted us from the fury he was about to rain down on the group (which was not an easy thing to do) and second, he showed that he has a great sense of humor. Sure as Deanna said Rick can grow a beard, he now competition in that department. Like Andrew Lincoln, the beard adds to Jeffrey’s sex appeal, along with the leather jacket and boots. We ask that under no circumstances he shave it off.
#4. “It’s gonna be pee-pee pants city here real soon.”
It’s safe to assume that the whole fandom went to pee-pee pants city after seeing Negan emerge from the RV and that some are still there, us included. We were already creeped out by the Saviors’ whistling and tense to see them surround Rick, Carl, Maggie, Aaron, Sasha, and Abraham, but the moment we screamed out loud was when we laid eyes on the man himself. Another reason why this line is so great is because it was pulled directly from the comics along with most of Negan’s monologue. We were extremely disappointed that not a single f-bomb was dropped though. Shame on you, Scott Gimple.
#3. “Do not make me kill the little future serial killer.”
The little future serial killer he’s talking about is Carl, of course, whom he seemed to share a moment with a few seconds before saying this. In the comics, Negan does develop a sort of bond with Carl and the crew of Walking Dead has confirmed that that “relationship” will be explored further in Season 7. Is it wrong that we actually enjoyed that moment between he and Carl and that we already see Negan as a father figure to him? He is far from being the best role model for a teenage boy but seeing Jeffrey in a “paternal” role reminds us of the good ol’ days when he played John Winchester on Supernatural, who we still miss. *SOBS*
#2. “I am gonna beat the holy hell outta one of you.”
If you guys remember, a few episodes back, Rick and the group made a deal with the Hilltop Colony to kill Negan and The Saviors in exchange for half of their supplies but as you see, there were complications. During the raid of the Saviors’ compound, Rick and co. killed a boatload of his men, and Maggie and Carol killed the ones that held them captive. Because of this, Negan felt the only punishment was to kill one member of the group so Rick and the rest would fall in line. This quote made it crystal clear that someone was heading to their doom and sent a shiver up our spines.
#1. “You can breathe, you can blink, you can cry. Hell, you’re all gonna be doing that.”
After a frightening game of “Eeeny, Meeny, Miney, Moe,” the moment we were all dreading arrived: Negan chose his victim aka “it.” But who was “it?” No one knows because the angle was shot from their point of view with blood running down the lens before fading to black with the screams of the group echoing in the background. The brutal sound effects of that someone’s skull being burst open made it even worse. Unfortunately, we won’t find out who got “Lucilled” until October, but that’s not stopping everybody from placing bets. The most obvious choice is Glenn because it would follow the comics, but we’re pleading for anyone but him!
Even though we are scared s***less of Negan, we have nothing but praise for Jeffrey Dean Morgan and his performance. He is the perfect Negan! From top to bottom, he looks like he stepped straight out of the comics unto the small screen. He also mimicked his mannerisms phenomenally, right down to his sinister smile. Just as Negan dominated Rick and his group, so Jeffrey dominated the screen and proved that Negan is a force to be reckoned with. Now, excuse us while we scream until October.