Cora and Ambrose go on the move and make it one step closer to uncovering the truth.
After last week’s episode, it became clear that someone was starting to become afraid of Cora (Jessica Biel) remembering what happened on the night of July 3rd. Although we still don’t know who is getting cold feet, we have a few ideas running through our heads. However, before our roundtable gives us their thoughts, let’s go through a quick recap of Wednesday night’s episode. At the start of the episode, Mason (Christopher Abbott) is shown going through the back of J.D’s house, armed and ready to kill. However, before he gets the chance to use his gun, Mason notices a dead body on the ground. And yep, it’s J.D’s. Eventually, J.D’s death gets ruled as an apparent homicide and his murderer is kept a secret.
After Mason is brought in for questioning about J.D’s death, Ambrose (Bill Pullman) begins to realize that someone is “getting nervous” about Cora. Ambrose still hasn’t connected all of the dots yet, but after meeting with Cora, he makes it one step closer to the truth. Mason at this point in the episode then becomes a suspect in J.D’s murder. We have been questioning Mason’s motives for a while now (is he behind the mask?), but not enough evidence has come to the surface yet.
Later, Cora tries to put more pieces of the night of July 3rd. After Ambrose gets permission from the judge to take Cora to the country club with him to get more clues, Cora’s memory starts to come back. After rummaging and walking through the club a second time, Cora remembers the door of the basement from her dreams. And as you all know, the basement is where the weird people in ski masks were on that night. And that scene is where the episode ended. So crazy, right? We’re getting SO close to the end, and we want to know your thoughts about Wednesday’s episode. What did you think of it?
While you think about it, let’s welcome our roundtable guests for episode 1×06 and see what they all had to say.
Say a warm hello to:
Sophia (@sophiarxcx) – Host, TV Newbie
Noam (@moopointspod) – occasional TV podcaster, r/television frequenter, always right.
Michelle (@Contessa_966) – Writer, Tweeter of TV Shows, Live Music Fan, Hockey Girl & Wiener Dog Mama!
Michelle (@gollegly) – Freelance blogger – Jessica Biel Central @jessicabielcom
1. We know that someone is getting nervous about Cora…who do you think he/or she is?
Sophia (@sophiarxcx): I think Mason has been getting nervous about Cora this whole time. Mason has been clearly stressed in most of the episodes we’ve seen thus far. I mean, he even tried to kill J.D! Plus, Jessica Biel posted this awesome fan theory on Twitter that compared the eyes of the man underneath the ski mask with Mason’s and they were identicals.
Noam (@moopointspod): My way out there theory is that Maddy is still alive and getting nervous. She’s missing but nobody has confirmed that that body is hers. A more likely answer is that it is another one of Cora’s captors.
Michelle (@Contessa_966): I think that the creepy club is getting nervous about what she might remember/reveal. They clearly would want to keep that kind of membership secret, hence why it’s out in a smaller building on the property. Anyone who is a member of the club I also think would be nervous about their little dirty secret being uncovered. But I’m also thinking that we’ve got to somehow tie Frankie Belmont back into the story. He and his father were possibly members of the club. There are multiple characters who would be better off if Cora just took the blame for both murders and was locked away. Creepy club has a business to run after all.
Michelle (@gollegly): I think that it is the people behind the country club trying to cover their tracks. I was thrown off that thought process when they originally didn’t find anything at the country club. Also Bc they appeared to be cooperating. But when Cora found the 2nd building. I back to pointing at the country club.
2. Do you think that Mason will be charged for killing J.D? When he was being questioned, Mason blatantly admitted that he was armed and the officers looked a little too happy about that..
Sophia (@sophiarxcx): I don’t think so! I think that the true killer will be revealed. I still think that Mason had something to do with the men in the ski masks however.
Noam (@moopointspod): No I don’t think so. When he admitted he had a gun they seemed to totally buy his story to me. Nobody was making moves to charge him even though they probably should. With 2 episodes left in the show I think another arrest/charge storyline would take up too much time.
Michelle (@Contessa_966): I wouldn’t put it past that shady state detective, she’s so keen on blaming Cora for something she can’t remember doing, it would probably just delight her sadistic little heart to also charge Mason. However, I think that he won’t be charged for JD’s murder. Yes Mason made a pretty stupid choice, but JD’s got enough enemies of his own that someone else got to it first. That or someone was worried JD wouldn’t be able to keep his mouth shut as this investigation furthered, so they made sure he couldn’t spill any secrets.
Michelle (@gollegly): I don’t believe he will be charged. He cooperated and told the truth even though his cop friend shook her head when he was asked if he was armed.
3. On Twitter, we’ve been getting mixed reviews about Phoebe each week. Do you like that she’s trying to live her life through Cora? Or is it not that big of a deal to you?
Sophia (@sophiarxcx): Phoebe is definitely trying to live her life through her sister. I think it is a big deal, which is why I wanted to ask our roundtable their thoughts on Phoebe. I’m not sure if I should feel bad for her or Cora, since Phoebe is so controlling of Cora.
Noam (@moopointspod): Phoebe has officially crossed the line from sympathetic to manipulative in my opinion. I feel bad for her, obviously, but she is now forcing Cora into very uncomfortable situations regularly. She’s almost reaching their parent’s level of emotional manipulation at this point. It’s a fine line between living vicariously and just emotional abuse and Phoebe is toeing that line.
Michelle (@Contessa_966): I think that Phoebe’s control over Cora is very concerning. Many times we see Cora getting in trouble for only going along with something that Phoebe wanted to do. That’s not a healthy relationship and she holds way too much power over Cora. I understand why Phoebe feels she needs to live through Cora, but the amount of control she holds over Cora is dangerous.
Michelle (@gollegly): Phoebe is absolutely trying to live her life through Cora. Neither have a healthy relationship with each other. One is dependent and one is allowing it to happen.
4. Will Cora and Detective Ambrose eventually find some evidence at the country club?
Sophia (@sophiarxcx): They have too! Now that there’s only two episodes left, I think everyone’s secrets will start coming out. There has to be a LOT of evidence in the basement.
Noam (@moopointspod): I kind of hope they find Phoebe’s DNA or clothes or something else indicating she was there too. I still think the body in the woods was hers not Maddy’s (It’s a pretty far out there theory, but i’m sticking to it). Basically, I think Cora ended up sneaking Phoebe to the club and both of them got caught up the kidnapping. Maybe that’s how Phoebe ended up dead. So the evidence I’m most interested in is DNA confirmation of whose body that is. But at this point ANY evidence will do!
Michelle (@Contessa_966): I certainly hope so, otherwise all we have for evidence is Cora’s memories, which aren’t going to hold up in court. But that club functions like a well oiled machine. With her memory now back, I still think it’s going to be an effort to obtain evidence of what goes down there, particularly in her case because it wasn’t recent. And I wouldn’t want to be the one who has to shine a black light all over that basement…
Michelle (@gollegly): They will find something. In my opinion, the country club cleaned up the main house. The mask was not hanging up on the basement wall. I’m guessing they tried to cover their tracks by moving items to the 2nd building, but have failed.
5. Now that we’re on episode 6, who do you think is behind the mask?
Sophia (@sophiarxcx): One word: Mason.
Noam (@moopointspod): The most obvious answer would be Frankie and its really the only way I see them justifying all of this repressed memory backstory. They have to circle back to the original murder plot somehow right?
Michelle (@Contessa_966): I think that we have seen different people wearing the same mask in the episodes leading up to now. I think that in the preview for Episode 7, the person in the mask is JD. He has been grooming Cora for what is waiting at the club, and I think he is the one who leads her down there in that mask. The body types have looked slightly different to when we see the masked person in different scenes. With the amount of masks that creepy club has, I think its possible we’ve seen various characters wearing that mask.
Michelle (@gollegly): I still think it is Frankie behind the mask. There has to be a tie in to the original crime.
Final Verdict: Episode 6 left at the edge of our seats.
This week’s episode of The Sinner was insane! Just as things started getting exciting, the episode ended with Cora saying that she remembers what happened in the basement of the country club- bummer right? As you all know, there are only two episodes of the series left. The possible suspects are getting crossed out, and Cora is starting to really remember the details of the night of July 3rd. We’re so excited for what’s to come, that we’re counting down the days until next Wednesday! As always, thanks for watching with us and let us know your thoughts. Who do you think is behind the mask?