Justice is served and karma makes it rounds on the season one finale of The Resident
Can you believe it? The Resident has completed its premiere season with a dramatic, thrilling finale. Last week’s episode left us with Nic’s (Emily VanCamp) arrest after being framed by Dr. Hunter (Melina Kanakaredes) for breaking and entering into her clinic. While Nic’s intentions are always noble, they aren’t enough to keep her from getting arrested. Conrad (Matt Czuchry) goes above and beyond for Nic in the pursuit to get her out on bail. He resorts to asking his father, Marshall (Glenn Morshower), for Nic’s bail, which is set to $100,000. This may not bode well for Conrad moving forward as Marshall expects him to be a bigger part of his life.
Things heat up for Dr. Okafor (Shaunette Renee Wilson) after she sleeps with her heart patient, Micah (Patrick R. Walker). The two seem to finally take advantage of the mutual attraction between them, but things go south when Micah collapses due to an issue in his heart. A complication as a result of the surgery was exacerbated after him having sex, and Mina feels extremely guilty for it. Luckily, Dr. AJ Austin (Malcolm Jamal Warner) steps in to perform a risky surgery on Micah and saves his life–but not without teaching Mina that letting herself be emotional and feel isn’t a bad thing. Looks like we have a love story in the making in our hands, folks! #MinCah
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The return of the hypochondriac patient, Olivia (Jolene Purdy) proves to be beneficial this time around when Devon (Manish Dayal) learns that she was misdiagnosed with lymphoma by Dr. Hunter and also given a round of chemo treatment. Basically, Dr. Hunter is also diagnosing patients who don’t have cancer, with cancer. This sets the stage for the bulk of the season one finale as the trio (yes, Nic is released on bail) comes together to take down Dr. Hunter once and for all. They inform Dr. Bell (Bruce Greenwood) of their findings and report that the FBI has been notified and will be seizing all her records for inconsistencies.
Dr. Bell sees this as a conflict for Chastain Park and unfolds a plan we didn’t exactly see coming. While we always expect him to act selfishly and for the sake of maximum monetary gain, he tricks Dr. Hunter into gathering questionable records so they can destroy them together before the FBI shows up. However, he turns the tables on her when he shows up with the FBI as she is leaving her clinic with records in hand. Whatever his motives may be and despite him twisting the narrative into him being the hero and taking all the credit, we are relieved that it resulted in the arrest of Dr. Hunter. But his reign may be short-lived because the season finale throws in a zinger when he learns that Conrad’s father, Marshall, is now the chairman of the board! Looks like your days of torturing Conrad and hiding your secrets may be coming to an end, Dr. Bell.
The season one finale of The Resident had us on the edge of our seats until the very end and we have so many questions! So let’s dive right into the discussion with our The Resident roundtable!
Anam (@anamiii)– Writer, Activist, TV Junkie
Amanda (@dudeamanda)– Writer, reader, and full-time TV watcher
Jess (@mattczuchryff)– TV Nerd, Matt Czuchry FanForum Moderator since 2005
Meli (@Melikeit70)– Lawyer, music addict, and avid reader
Stephanie (@StephyPooh82)– Optician, couch potato, and dill pickle enthusiast
1. That’s a wrap on season one! What are your thoughts about tonight’s finale?
Anam (@anamiii): So many twists and turns, but I’m glad that Nic situation got cleared up and she was able to return by the end of the episode. Good prevailed.
Amanda (@dudeamanda): It was the best episode of the season, hands down! Wow, so many good things happened and I am so impressed with everyone involved for creating so many good storylines!
Jess (@mattczuchryff): At the moment I am just relieved the season did not end in a big cliffhanger. For a long time, I feared we would get one and I am relieved that I was wrong. Obviously, I really liked that we knew the show would be coming back for another season before I watched the episode, which always makes things easier.
Meli (@Melikeit70): I’m glad it didn’t end with a cliffhanger and finally gave Dr. Lane what she deserved! Everything was resolved and all the story lines were well tied. It also ended with a plot twist which could be very interesting and a solid basis for more storylines in season 2.
Stephanie (@StephyPooh82): I loved it!!! All the twists and turns!! I LITERALLY cheered when the FBI busted Dr. Hunter! I can’t wait to see what happens next season.
2. Mina got extremely emotional in this week’s episode after she slept with Micah and he ended up in the hospital. Do you think she crossed a line and endangered his life or do you believe love trumps all?
Anam: No, I don’t think she crossed a line for sleeping with Micah. He was cleared for sexual activity and neither of them could have predicted that outcome. I think it’s fortunate that she was there when it happened and was able to get him the care that he needed. Mina was a very hardcore person who put her job above all else, it was nice to see another side of her. She’s a brilliant surgeon but she’s human and she cares deeply.
Amanda: It was so nice to see this side of Mina. Like Dr. Austin said, caring can make you a better doctor, and since Mina is already an amazing doctor, I can see so many good things coming for Mina. So I guess, I believe love trumps all!
Jess: I watched the episode with a friend and I told her from the beginning that Mina shouldn’t have been anywhere near Micah from a professional point of view. Even if she denied everything when Conrad talked to her it was obvious that she was too emotionally involved to make the right decision. Only imagine how she would have felt if Micah would have died because she made a mistake.
Meli: I loved emotional Mina and I’m pretty sure she has feelings for Micah but I’m not sure that relationship will survive. I fear she’ll manage to blow up the relationship to not lose control anymore.
Stephanie: I want to say love trumps all, but I think she should have maybe waited to have sex with him given his condition. They are a cute couple though!! I hope everything works out for them.
3. Conrad went to his father to get money for Nic’s bail but in exchange may have to do his bidding for the foreseeable future. Do you think he made the right move? Why or why not?
Anam: Yeah I think he did. He loves Nic and needed to help her and did the only thing he knew he could. In times of trouble, everyone runs to their parents to help them out. Now their relationship is rocky at best and this might put him in his dad’s clutches for a while, but judging by how things ended, I don’t think it’s the worst thing that could have happened. Maybe they’ll even get closer from it.
Amanda: I think he did. I know he essentially made a deal with the devil, but he would do anything to help Nic. It will be interesting to see what his father tries to make him do in Season 2.
Jess: I am sure he knew that there could be consequences with getting his Dad involved but he didn’t care, he just wanted to get Nic out of there as soon as possible, which really proves Conrad’s love for her. No matter what happens in the future with his dad, he might get frustrated by whatever his dad comes up with but I doubt he will ever regret it.
Meli: I think he had no choice. And I really want to think his father is not as bad as he thinks and that he really wants to make up for the past and save their father-son relationship.
Stephanie: He did the only thing he could think of to help the woman he loves. That was the only way to help Nic, so he did it.
4. Thanks to the return of the hypochondriac patient and her cancer misdiagnosis by Dr. Hunter, the trio was able to finally get Dr. Hunter caught. How do you feel about how this storyline ended?
Anam: I’m glad it was wrapped up before the season ended and they didn’t drag it out. I think the situation was absolutely insane and really hope this wasn’t based off a real-life situation. She’s a murderer and deserves everything she’s about to get.
Amanda: I was so shocked and so happy at the same time, and it was an ending I didn’t see coming. It was amazing to see the FBI outside her clinic as she carried the patient files out. I was so happy to see the trio take action and get her caught for good!
Jess: I am so relieved that Lane got caught and Nic got her job back. I actually had to smile that she was almost arrested the same way Nic was. Karma! Nicely played by Dr. Bell by the way. Lane actually thought she had wrapped him around her little finger and never feared that he would turn on her.
Meli: What I loved, in the end, it was Bell, another so-called villain, who framed her. She thought she could manipulate and play him easily. She was wrong–a snake ended up being eaten by another one.
Stephanie: I loved it! I hated Dr. Hunter and I’m glad she finally got what was coming to her! It gave me great pleasure to see her face when she realized it was Dr. Bell that did her in!
5. As expected, Dr. Bell took all the credit for Dr. Hunter’s arrest and did not hesitate to turn her in because it meant a moment to shine for him. How do you feel about him betraying Dr. Hunter and seizing the opportunity?
Anam: Bell only looks out for himself so this wasn’t surprising at all. I did find it a bit surprising how he set her up to get caught though, that was low. Glad it happened, but damn. He’s not a sincere person and will throw you under the bus if it means excelling for himself. She should have known this but she trusted a con man. She also committed major medical fraud and murder so yeah can’t really feel bad for her.
Amanda: It wasn’t too shocking to see him take the credit, but I was shocked that he turned in Dr. Hunter. I think during his conversation with Lane, Bell realized he was being used, and no one uses Dr. Bell. So while I don’t like that he took the credit, I’m glad he got Lane Hunter got caught.
Jess: I am honestly relieved. From the moment Lane played him I figured the only way Conrad, Nic, and Devon could actually defeat Lane would be with Dr. Bell’s help. So, for now, I am just going to be happy about Lane getting arrested and will roll my eyes at Dr. Bell for fully taking credit later.
Meli: She used him and once he realized it he went full on Bell mode. He’s a narcissist and she hurt his ego more than anything else. And she clearly underestimated him.
Stephanie: I was worried he was going to let her get away with it, but I think he knew her evil deeds would reflect poorly on him and Chastain. He had to turn her in to save the hospital, and his own, reputation.
6. In an unexpected turn of events, Dr. Bell’s moment of glory comes crashing down when he learns that Conrad’s father, Marshall Winthrop, is now the new chairman of the board. Did you like this twist and what do you predict will come from this situation?
Anam: Bell is going to get what’s coming to him. Conrad may not have the greatest relationship with his dad, but he’s still his dad. At the end of the day, Bell won’t be able to run amok doing whatever he wants and screwing over Conrad in the process anymore.
Amanda: I do like this twist. I thought for sure Conrad’s father was going to make him leave the hospital, but I kind of like that he’s now the head of the board. I’m excited to see how this situation affects Bell and the rest of the staff!
Jess: I love it! Dr. Bell’s face was priceless. I wondered what would happen with Conrad’s dad the moment he posted bail for Nic but him being the new chairman of Chastain Park was definitely a nice surprise. Can’t wait to see more of the dynamic between Conrad and his dad and Dr. Bell and Marshall. I hope they will promote him to a series regular.
Meli: That plot twist can add more great storylines to season 2. Bell thought he was totally in control of everything and everyone at Chastain and then the father of his nemesis shows up to ruin everything.
Stephanie: I giggled!! That was a great plot twist and I look forward to seeing how it pans out next season. Not only for Dr. Bell but Conrad as well.
7. Since season two is a confirmed go, where would you like the story to go from here when The Resident returns for a second season?
Anam: I would like to see Bell’s track record of killing patients while operating be exposed and get his ass handed to him. Yeah, he played a part in getting the Hunter situation taken care of but that smug bastard is next.
Amanda: I hope for more unique patient cases, more caring from the doctors & lots of drama! I’m so glad Nic is a nurse again, and I cannot wait to see how Devon & Conrad’s relationship continues to develop as friends and as doctors.
Jess: I mostly want to learn more about the main characters. Nic’s sister Jessie hinted at a dark past and Conrad’s family seems to be a whole other big question mark. Of course, I also need to see more of Conrad and Nic’s complicated relationship and what happened in the past. I also would not mind seeing more of Mina and Micah. I really liked to see the softer side of her whenever Micah is involved, it’s a nice change.
Meli: I expect more in-fighting within Chastain and I hope we’ll able to find out more about the past of all the characters.
Stephanie: I’d like to see Dr. Bell’s twitch being addressed. I would also like to see where the love stories between Nic and Conrad and Mena and Micah go.
Final Verdict: Dr. Bell may have painted himself as a hero, but his glory days are coming to a screeching halt!
The final moments of the season one finale have us so excited about what season two of The Resident has in store. While we were definitely cringing watching Dr. Bell taking all the credit for Dr. Hunter’s arrest, seeing his expression after realizing Marshall is now his boss is the most redemptive moment of the series. Dr. Bell is momentarily on the top of the world after Dr. Hunter’s arrest, but things are looking pretty grim for his future.
While the season one finale wraps up the Dr. Hunter storyline, there is still a lot left to speculate about Conrad and Nic’s complicated relationship. They seem to be making it work for the time being, but until their past issues are resolved, we’re sure that it will be a point of contention going into the second season. But for now, we are relieved that they are together and in love–despite whatever horrors their past holds.
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One of the shining moments of the finale is watching Mina let down her guard and letting Micah in. The entire season she has spent resisting emotions and feelings, concentrating on only her job. This episode gives her character development in a way that we haven’t seen all season, and has us optimistic about her future with Micah!
While we have no idea when The Resident will return, we can’t wait for the story to continue with more drama, twists and turns, and of course–incomprehensible ethical conundrums that leave us shocked! Until next season, The Resident!