The Fosters 5×05 “Telling” has us dancing a little and cringing a lot
The Fosters’ fifth episode this season was quite the party. The major plot starts when Callie (Maia Mitchell) is invited to a party with some of the roller derby team. What she doesn’t know is that Mariana (Cierra Ramirez) is in the middle of roller derby tryouts. Mariana wants to attend the party with her future teammates, but is forced to bring Jesus (Noah Centineo) when he threatens to tell their moms about it. Brandon (David Lambert) also heads to the party, while neglecting to tell Grace about Cortney’s living situation for the entire episode.
RELATED | The Fosters 5×04 Roundtable
While the kids party, the moms suffer through one of The Foster’s famously awkward dinner parties. This week’s guests are Stef’s childhood friend, Tess, and her husband. More than a few awkward comments escape during the dinner, and our roundtable is dying to discuss it all!
Our hilarious and insightful roundtable is here to break down the episode!
Nicole (@ndintelman34) – TVAfterDark writer, supermom, & domestic violence advocate
Tay (@ImSoBrallie) – Student, Frequent Crier, Writer
Lewis (@LewisRHS) – Actor and Musical Theater Performer
Lauren (@MavidBrallie) – Live tweeter and The Fosters fanatic
1. How do you feel Mariana handled the party situation, and Jesus’s insistence on tagging along and participating?
Nicole (@ndintelman34): The only thing she could have done was told her mom’s and then she probably wouldn’t have been able to go either. LOL. I think Jesus is stubborn and wanting to be a part of things without really realizing that he’s setting himself back. I can’t imagine that it’s easy for him to be on the outside looking in at everyone’s lives.
Lauren (@MavidBrallie): I feel like Mariana should’ve stood her ground more, Jesus shouldn’t have went to the party, it was very dumb and irresponsible on his part for even wanting to go in the first place.
Tay (@ImSoBrallie): She was so caught up with Logan, she didn’t take a minute to evaluate the situation and how harmful it would end up being for Jesus. Unfortunately that ended really badly. Hopefully moving forward Mariana will be more careful.
Lewis (@LewisRHS): I love Mariana’s attitude to life and I think she handled the party situation pretty well. I think it would have been easier if she was more open to her siblings at the beginning and would not have to lie all the time. Jesus is desperate to get outside of the house and not feel continuously isolated from everything so I can understand his need to participate with everyone else. However, I do think Mariana was looking out for him by suggesting that he doesn’t go to the party because of the side effects he is experiencing with his TBI.
2. Do you think Callie was unfairly harsh or justified in her reaction to Mariana’s choices?
Nicole: Yes and No. Mariana needed to hear it but at the same time it’s like the pot calling the kettle black. Just because Callie hasn’t gotten in trouble in the last couple of episodes doesn’t give her the right to be giving holier than thou speeches.
Lauren: Callie was harsh on Mariana, at the party, she was chill and even joked with her about lying to their moms, she needed to let it go, it was already over and done with.
Tay: Sisters will always butt heads. That’s the way it goes! I think Callie was really harsh. I don’t understand what the big deal is with Mariana being on the roller derby team. Let her try new things and thrive people! Come on!
Lewis: I think that Callie is always looking out for Mariana and does not want her to make bad decisions. I think that it is important that Mariana realises the effects that her actions can have. However in defence of Mariana she tried to persuade Jesus not to go and does not have control over what decisions he makes.
3. How do you think Brandon is handling this whole “ex-girlfriend living with him” thing?
Nicole: Does Brandon ever handle things well? LOL. He needs to be more up front and honest with Grace. Nothing is going on, well at the moment at least, so he should just tell her.
Lauren: Brandon is gonna have to choose between Cortney and Grace eventually, he can’t keep juggling them both, it won’t end well either way. He needs to man up and be honest with Grace and Cortney on what he wants.
Tay: Ugh Brandon Foster and his savior complex! I think it was poor judgement not to let Grace know about the situation. It was extremely kind of him to offer Cort and Mason a place to stay – but he needs to make sure he’s not hurting or inconveniencing other people by extension.
Lewis: Brandon’s heart is always in the right place and he cares for the people that surround him a lot. However, I think that he should have been open with Grace about Cortney living with him as Grace is an understanding person. I think that he is handling it quite well and clearly he still cares for Cortney and Mason.
4. Tess ignorantly referred to Stef and Lena’s lifestyle as “alternative”. Do you like the neighbors? Was this just a misguided mistake, or do you think there is something more there?
Nicole: I don’t think she meant anything by it, but it did come out weird. I do like the neighbors. I think it gives the adults a little more dynamic than just kids/work/fighting all of the time.
Lauren: Tess really put her foot in her mouth with this one, unless Stef has been misunderstood about their relationship from the beginning, I just hope it doesn’t come from a harmful, uneducated mindset. There may be something more to it, we just gotta wait and see how it plays out
Tay: Ooooh that made my blood boil! I definitely think there’s something more there. Knowing what we know about Tess and Stef’s past – there are some complicated feelings there! I’m excited to learn about how things happened and what Tess might’ve gone through.
Lewis: I like the new neighbours as it highlights the history between Stef and Tess and we are able to get more understanding as to how Stef was when she was younger. Tess seems like a caring person and I think it was a misguided mistake. However, I think that there is more depth to this storyline and information about Stef and Tess’s relationship that we do not yet know about.
5. Are you surprised/concerned by how much Tess’s presence seems to be affecting Stef, and Lena by extension?
Nicole: Not really. Ex’s thrown into the mix seem to always cause some strife. It happens in real life relationships too.
Lauren: I’m not surprised, most things affect them until it becomes their problem as a whole, I think Stef and Lena are taking Stef and Tess’s old relationship too serious and its affecting everyone, even the kids in some ways, they need to be more chill and not take everything so serious, it just hurts them in the end.
Tay: I expected turmoil as soon as Tess showed up next door! I’m not all too concerned about it though. Stef and Lena always pull through!
Lewis: It is clear that Stef and Tess had a strong friendship growing up and how it had a clear impact on her. I hope that doesn’t cause major drama in the rest of the season as I think that the whole family deserves some happiness. I am slightly concerned how Lena has responded to the connection that Stef and Tess have and the impact this might have on their relationship.
6. Mariana’s new crush has a girlfriend! Do you think it was wrong of him to neglect to mention that earlier? Do you think Mariana will continue to pursue him?
Nicole: It was weird of him not to mention it because he was definitely throwing vibes at Mariana! I’m not sure if she will or not. She seemed a little weirded out when he told her that he had a girlfriend and they had college plans.
Lauren: I don’t think he planned on telling her or anyone at anytime, I feel like he’s the type of guy who isn’t faithful in a relationship anyways, I feel like Mariana will keep trying and if they do end up together, he won’t be faithful to her and it will cause more drama for her in the long run.
Tay: Yes!! And ohhh yes! It was definitely wrong of him not to mention it. Some guys are just clueless I guess. I have a feeling Mariana will continue to chase him. Miss Thang doesn’t back down easily.
Lewis: I think that he should have mentioned the fact he had a girlfriend earlier, although I believe that he was just looking to make friends as he has previously mentioned he has been struggling to meet new people. I know that Mariana will continue to pursue him because as soon as she sets her mind to something she does not give up until she achieves it.
7. If you could sit any of the Fosters down and give them some advice today, who would it be and what would you say?
Nicole: Jesus. I think I’d tell him that his family has his best interests at heart and he should really give them all a break. Stop and breathe before reacting. Having an injury is hard and you may never be the same again, but you most certainly won’t be the same overnight. It’s going to take time to feel even remotely like yourself again.
Lauren: Jesus, I would tell him to chill out and stop lashing out at everyone, he needs a healthier way to express his emotions, I would also tell him to stop making stupid, impulsive decisions, it could really end badly for him one day.
Tay: I think a lot of the family are in fairly good places right now. Compared to past horrible situations and decisions at least lol. But I guess I would sit Jesus down and tell him that his life is different now. That he needs to adapt, and realize he can’t go about things the way he used to be able to. I would tell him to go easy on himself, and take it day by day. And to trust and accept the support from his family! They’re the ones who will always be by his side.
Lewis: I would talk to Stef and would tell her that she needs to talk and be more open to Lena. It is clear that Lena is feeling like a separate parent right now with Jesus and the other siblings and that there is a clear miscommunication between the two. I hope that Stef can be more open about the relationship she had with Tess when she was younger and that it will not have an impact on their relationship.
Final Verdict: The Foster’s fifth season is continuing strong with another solid episode – we just miss Jude!
It was another all around great episode of The Fosters, with solid and entertaining storylines and just the right amount of drama. It’s beginning to look like The Foster’s fifth season may be one of it’s best, focusing on both character development and the important social issues it’s so well recognized for. We are still dying to see Jude though, and hopefully some progress in Jesus’s condition – either physically or emotionally.
The Fosters returns next Tuesday, August 15th at 8/7C on Freeform.
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