Suits 6×16: The season finale was full of suspense but ended strong.
On the Season 6 finale of Suits, we finally discovered if Mike (Patrick J. Adams) passed his BAR and character and fitness test. However, things sure seem to be getting in the way of Mike’s dreams this time around, as Anita Gibbs returns to ensue trouble on PSL and the team.
Elsewhere, Harvey (Gabriel Macht), struggles with trying to find a plan to help Mike pass his test with Gibbs in the way. Rachel (Meghan Markle), joins teams with Harvey again and tries her best to help Mike pass his tests. The stakes are still high for Pearson Specter Litt— yet, will they ever get a break?
Donna (Sarah Rafferty) and Benjamin (David Reale) also fail to get anyone to buy and distribute “The Donna.” Donna especially, feels broken that her dream is falling away through her fingers. Also, Louis (Rick Hoffman), receives an ultimatum from Tara that was pretty heartbreaking. Want to know what our favorite moments of the finale? Check out our Top 5 moments of “Character and Fitness” to find out.
She’s back. Anita Gibbs returns.
As Mike prepares for his character and fitness hearing, all seems well. However, in the first scene of the episode, it is revealed that Anita Gibbs, the attorney who tried to keep Mike in prison indefinitely in the first half of the season, has returned. Gibbs, who has major beef with Harvey and Mike, tries everything she can to stop Mike from becoming an attorney. She even threatens the two of them that Mike will never pass the hearing if she is on the board. However, it’s a good thing Mike had a plan up his sleeve. Mike ends up asking Julius to be his character witness, and Harvey successfully gets enough dirt on Anita to disregard her evidence on the panel. Yes!
Everyone knows who he is.
After Anita Gibbs shows up on the board for Mike’s character and fitness hearing, Harvey tries everything he can to see how Gibbs got a spot and kick her off the committee. He questions Louis, Mike, and a few others as to how they believe Gibbs convinced the BAR to let her become a part of the board.
In one scene, Harvey approaches the man who went on leave and allowed Gibbs to take his spot. Harvey proceeds to ask him his relationship to Gibbs. The man says he doesn’t even know who Gibbs is and that she just took his spot because he was taking a leave of absence. Sounding too good to be true from Harvey, he lays down the law.
“Want to know who I am? I’m Harvey Specter. And you can say you’ve never heard of Mike Ross, but I know you’ve heard of me. So maybe she didn’t blackmail you, maybe she promised to do something for you. Either way, I’m going to find out what it is and you’re going to wish you told me right now.” – Harvey
Jessica makes one hell of an entrance.
No, you didn’t read that caption wrong if that’s what you’re thinking. Jessica (Gina Torres), P.SL’s former boss, made one hell of an entrance back in the Suits finale!?! Just when Mike’s character and fitness hearing at the end of the episode seemed to be going south, Jessica came in to save the day. It turns out that Harvey called Jessica and asked her to come help him prove that Mike was worthy of being an attorney in front of the board. Jessica told the board that Mike deserved this more than any attorney she has ever met:
“But I was under the impression that this hearing was not about my old firm, but whether or not Mr. Ross should be a lawyer. I say he should. ” – Jessica
Louis finds out Tara’s ultimatum.
Louis, who has really been struggling to have a successful relationship after his breakup with Sheila, faces an ultimatum with Tara. In the previous episode, Tara had left Louis alone in his house, after finding out that Louis knew Mike was a fraud the whole time he worked at P.S.L. In one of the episode’s final scenes, Louis receives a voice-mail from Tara. Rachel, who happens . be in the room with Louis, tells him to listen and that she’ll be right there with him.
But when he listens to the voicemail, we automatically know it’s not good news, as Louis starts crying. Let’s just say, this scene broke our hearts.
Mike comes back to P.S.L.
After Mike wins his character and fitness hearing, he tells Harvey that he doesn’t want to work at P.S.L, but at the clinic, to help other people who can’t afford help. Harvey, who’s worked hard to get Mike into the BAR, tells Mike that there’s no way he’s not working at P.S.L. Harvey ends up buying out the clinic for 2 years so that Mike can work on vases for the clinic while also doing his work from the comfort of the firm.
However, Mike has one condition. He gets to take Harvey’s office. Harvey, unwilling to let go, eventually says yes and the two hand shake it out. We’re SO excited Mike is back. But still curious, what about Rachel?
A perfect end to a great season. But what will happen next?
The Suits season finale ended perfectly. Mike is now a real attorney, P.S.L is back together again, Jessica returned and even Donna and Louis come to new realizations. These past episodes since the mid season premiere have been stellar, full of action, and contained lots of drama. However, were still left hanging with a few unanswered question. Has Rachel passed her BAR exam too? And, where exactly did Donna go? I guess we will have to find out next season.