Orphan Black offers up shrooms, a bounce house, and a decapitated head for safe measure
Well, it finally happened. The rumors and speculations we’ve endured since Orphan Black announced its 5th and final season, have come to fruition. Clones are steadily leaving the fray to make way for a final showdown of sorts as the series approaches its end, and it’s wrecking our little Clone Club hearts. Orphan Black 5×03 started innocently enough with a much needed flashback into Alison’s (Tatiana Maslany) Stepford wives life. It was refreshing to see Alison in her previous life with her currently deceased friend Aynsley (Natalie Lisinka). We have to admit we didn’t care for that character before Alison “assisted” in her strangulation at the hands of a garbage disposal in season one, but it was nice to see how Alison’s life was before the clone craziness started. Alison was normal, in her own way. She relished in the mediocrity and mundane day to day goings on in Suburbia. When Beth (Tatiana Maslany) tried to introduce her to Cosima (Tatiana Maslany), she didn’t think she had what it took to embrace the clone life with her sestra’s and refused to be part of it. Luckily for us, she changed her mind.
Cut to present time, Alison isn’t having the easiest life. What do you do when you think your life is falling apart? If you’re Alison, you slip loads of Lorazepam into a drink you plan to give to the new church coordinator that you feel took your purpose for life. But, you quickly realize you’re better than that and stop her from taking a drink. That’s who Alison is. She’s the clone who does anything she needs to in order to protect what’s best for her, her family and her sisters. That includes not going as far as she probably could morally. Episode 5×03 of Orphan Black proved to us and to Alison herself that she was capable and deserving of a better life. She wasn’t a side character in the clone story and her willingness to throw herself under the bus to Rachel (Tatiana Maslany) as she dropped Leekie’s (Matt Frewer) rotting head on her desk to save her sisters proved that. Alison found her strength. She used her love for her sestras to stand up and fight for their safety. As the episode wrapped and Alison told Donnie (Kristian Bruun) that she needed to leave in order to find out who she is and what she needs, we realized that Alison is done. Her story has been told and her impact on the clones will be felt for the rest of the series.
Related | Orphan Black 5×03 Synopsis, Promo, Photos
This Alison centric episode left us with a lot of questions and concerns for what happens in the remaining 7 episodes of the series. With so much going on, we need to talk it over with this week’s round-table guests. Let’s jump right into it, and as Alison would say,
“talk to the bouncing hand.”
Introducing our guests:
Faith – @Faithbek “TV nerd, Clone club member. Writer for TVAD.”
Kennedy – @Lo_206 “Kitten lover. Adventure seeker. Clone Club.”
Helen – @OBAddicts “TV & book lover. Mother of fur babies. MGR of @OBAddicts, @SOAMayanAddicts, and @StrainAddicts.”
Kelly – @OBstorylines “Always talking TV, mostly Orphan Black.”
1) What do you think Rachel is really doing with Kira?
Kennedy (@lo_206): I would guess that she’s doing every single test possible to figure out how she could heal her leg and her eyeball. And how to make her uterus work. Maybe she wants to clone Kira?
Kelly (@OBstorylines): Notice in this episode how she was collecting Kira’s fingernails? I think Kira’s genetic material, coupled with P.T. Westmoreland’s research, will result in Rachel unlocking the secrets of immortality. Rachel has always craved power. Who more powerful than an immortal being?
Helen (@OBAddicts): I actually think Rachel’s intentions with Kira are strictly in the name of science, & she isn’t out to harm Kira. However, it is Rachel we’re talking about, she’s an ‘arsehole’ lol, that can never be trusted 100% with anyone or anything, so of course her motives are entirely selfish, and not at all being done in the name of saving, or helping anyone but herself.
Faith: I think Rachel is using Kira for her own benefit of creating immortality. I think once she finds out about Helena’s twins’ abilities, she’ll forget about Kira.
2) What have your thoughts been on Alison throughout the series? What is her importance as a sestra?
Kennedy: By giving cash to Cosima, her kid’s urine to Beth, an unmarked gun to Sarah, giving Donnie a chest wax via hot glue gun, getting Rachel to call off Maddy whatsherface, and adding comedic sparkle to our lives, I’d say she has been vital in the sestrahood. I love her and I hope her g-rated curse words never go away.
Kelly: Admittedly, I have never been the biggest Alison fan. However, it has been fun watching her grow as a character; from the reluctant, unwilling suburban housewife, to going toe to toe with Rachel Duncan. Alison may not be a scientist, nor “biologically priceless,” but she is an important member of the sisterhood. She was there when it all started, when Beth reached out, and despite some reluctance, she’s always remained loyal to her sestras. A loyalty like that is priceless.
Helen: I love her! I think Ali is undeniably a leader in the sestrahood, and her role is sort of the protector & ‘older’ sister they look up to. With that being said, this role seems like it has taken it’s toll on her, and she may not be handling it as well as she’d like to. This responsibility and all that’s happened is catching up to her already fragile psyche.
Faith: I adore Alison. She’s fiercely loyal and willing to do just about anything for people she loves. She’s brilliant and funny and she f*cks up all the time. She’s so perfectly imperfect. She’s an OG clone. She’s incredibly important.
3) We haven’t seen much of Felix yet this season. What do you hope for him in the coming episodes?
Kennedy: Tony! I want him and Tony to reconnect.
Kelly: It was good to see Felix painting again! As for what I hope for him in future episodes… I just want Felix to be happy; to find a sense of normalcy in his own life again. His whole world has been turned upside down by this – as Alison would say – “c-word business” too. Maybe he and Alison could travel together!
Helen: I think we’ll see more of sestra bro Felix, & he’ll be put to the test as he has always been throughout this crazy trip! Felix is an important constant & go between in the clones’ lives & they need him as much as he needs them. He’s in the sestrahood even if he doesn’t want to be. Lol.
Faith: I don’t know. Felix is such a vital character in the Orphan Black world. I’d hope to see him and Sarah really connect again and save the day in the end. I loved his bond with Alison as well. I hope they reconnect, if only for a brief moment.
4) Do you think Allison is ultimately a bad person in the long run? She’s done a lot of things that could persuade you to think she may be.
Kennedy: Alison is a mama bear. Mama bear to her kids, to Donnie, to her sestras…she wants to protect. I don’t at all think she’s a bad person. But she needs to get back to scrap-booking or something.
Kelly: I think Alison is a complicated person. She’s a women who’s been ripped out of her comfort zone and pushed to the limit. Seems like she’d do anything to protect herself, her family, and her sisters.
Helen: Absolutely not. In fact, I think she’s the complete opposite! Everything she’s done, or had to do was/is out of love for her family(sestras included) & out of necessity, the need to protect. I’d like to think we’d all do the things Alison has done for those we love. She’s also human(the alcohol & little helpers), and we all make mistakes. We all have certain ways to cope, some good, some bad.
Faith: No way. She’s a person who did what she had to do when she had to do it. She’s flawed, but who isn’t?
5) Why do you think Kira is so hesitant to share what she and Rachel have been talking about/doing?
Kennedy: Kira is curious. I don’t blame her. I think part of her either trusts Rachel or wants to trust Rachel just so she can figure out why she is the way she is. She can sense a lot of things and she obviously knows how everyone feels about Rachel, especially Mrs. S and Sarah, so I feel like she wants to keep her time with Rachel under wraps for fear of them trying to keep her away again.
Kelly: I’ve been curious about that myself. Maybe it’s Kira’s way of protecting her family. Or maybe it’s her way of protecting herself. Rachel is giving Kira the opportunity to learn about herself, to discover what makes her special. She’s never had that before, so perhaps she’s staying quiet for fear it’ll all be taken away.
Helen: I think Kira is so incredibly mature for her age and in some ways a lot smarter than many grown ups. Her special mind powers & strong physiology aren’t the only unique qualities she has. Kira knows how to handle most things, things her mom wouldn’t even be able to understand & handle, so I think in a way she’s protecting her mom, Mrs.S, the aunties & uncle Felix. Plus she’s upset with Sarah at the moment, so why not keep secrets to piss mum off even more! lol!
Faith: She wants to know who she is. She’s lived this crazy complicated life surrounded by adults telling her what to think and how to act. I think she doesn’t want to hurt her mom by saying she likes Rachel and what they’ve talked about. I think she’ll be the key in stopping Rachel in the long run.
6) Does it surprise you when the clones make mention of never having met other clones?
Kennedy: I love it. It catches me off guard, but it’s so fascinating. The viewers are all so connected to the clones that it’s strange to see two clones who haven’t met. But it’s really fun to watch them interact.
Kelly: No, not really.
Helen: Not at all. I believe protecting each other is priority, and truthfully there’s no reason to bring attention to other clones out there who may not know what’s going on. Take Tony for instance, he’s not mentioned, and shouldn’t be in order to keep him off the radar & safe.
Faith: It’s so cool. Like when Rachel said, “You must be Alison.” You genuinely forget that some of the clones have never interacted on screen.
7) Lastly, it appears Alison Hendrix is leaving. Do you think we’ll see her again? If not, do you think they wrapped her story nicely? Would you change anything?
Kennedy: I don’t think we’ve seen the last of Alison. I’m hoping for another clone dance party/sleepover. But if it is the last time we see Alison, she definitely left in a perfect way. She proved to herself that she was an important member of the sestras and she left on an extremely sweet note with Donnie. I don’t think the writing to wrap up her story line could have been any better.
Kelly: I think we’ll hear from Alison here and there, but for the most part I believe her storyline is largely wrapped. Alison earned major kudos this episode, and now it’s time to move forward. There’s still much to uncover!

Orphan Black 5×03 Final Verdict: Orphan Black proves there Ain’t no mountain high enough
This week’s Alison centric episode of Orphan Black didn’t just make us crave for simpler times when we were still falling in love with the clones for the first time, it made us realize that this show really is coming to a close. We’re saying goodbye to characters we don’t want to be saying goodbye to, but in the process we’re learning just how important these characters have been to the world that is Orphan Black. “Beneath Her Heart,” showed us exactly who Alison was before the clone world changed her. It showed us how desperate she was to return to that life. Most importantly, it showed us that no matter what you portray to the world, you could have an inner strength that would do anything to save those you love. We’ll miss you Alison Hendrix. Go find your happiness.