If you’re interested in contributing with tvafterdark.com please click here to apply for the position and choose your television shows.
Many of our contributors find themselves taking advantage of perks like the press badges for comic con conventions, where they are tweeting the panels live, snap chatting the exhibit, taking photos and videos of the cosplayers and attending the red carpet to do celebrity interviews for some of your favorite shows.
Here are a just a few of the many conventions and festivals that we attend: SXSW, New York Comic Con, E3, Wizard World, Fan Expo, Coachella, iHeart Radio, Wondercon, San Diego Comic Con, National Book Festival, Walker Stalker Con, etc.
Check out our New York Comic-Con Highlights
Writing reviews and news are just a few of the things that our team produces. We’re also very cheeky on social media and our some of our followers are thankful for it.