The Supernatural creators and Warner Brothers clash, Game of Thrones sneak peaks and theories, and a goodbye to a fan favorite.
Fantasy After Dark, Issue 3: Welcome to the third issue of Fantasy After Dark! If you missed our news from last week, don’t fret – we’ve got you covered. However, this week, we have a lot of news for you ranging from all things Supernatural to Game of Thrones – so get strapped in. There may be spoilers, so we’re warning you now!
Hot Topic: A Supernatural lawsuit, we say goodbye to the Twelfth Doctor and teases from the Game of Thrones set!
Uh oh, Supernatural fans! As most of you know, the beloved CW show has been airing for about 13 seasons now. Apparently worth a total of 23 million dollars (yes!), the creators of the series have got into a battle with Warner Brothers over years of unpaid finance. Basically, Kripke, one of Supernatural’s creators just wants to make sure that he and the rest of the crew who worked on the show are not only getting paid properly, but that the show is being correctly licensed. You can read more about this here.
Are you eagerly waiting for the Doctor Who Christmas special? If you’re a DW fan, you know that every time the Christmas special of the series airs, that means we have to say goodbye to the season’s Doctor. Read the episode details here.
Finally, new photos of King’s Landing from the Game of Thrones set have come into the interwebs. Check out the photos!
Rumour Has It: A Big House may return to Game of Thrones!
Digital Spy hinted that Danielle Galligan will be playing a new character named Sarra in the next season of Game of Thrones. They also came up with this wild theory that “the only instance of the name Sarra appearing in A Song of Ice and Fire is Sarra Frey, who just so happens to one of Walder Frey’s countless granddaughters. So, will House Frey be making an appearance in season 8 after all?”
Wait, what?! Do you want House Frey to make itself known on screen?
Interviews: The Walking Dead’s Robert Kirkman turns a popular video game into its own universe on Skybound.
Fans of all things video games and more! The Walking Dead’s creator Robert Kirkman is apparently turning the infamous video game “Summoners War” into its own universe. This universe, as we may call it, includes Summoners War comics, video games, and a possible series attached to it. According to the Hollywood Reporter, Summoners War is “a rich and magical fantasy story,” with so much storytelling to provide to audiences. Cool!
Fantasy After Dark
Your weekly round-up of all fantasy-related news. Casting news, talent interviews, teasers and trailers, renewals/cancellations, promotional pictures, rumors, and more!